Because I believe that Jyanni's is ghei.

Aug 12, 2009 02:42

SS501's 1st Asia Tour PERSONA in Seoul

this photo was courtesy of my good friend who is an avid fan of SS501's leader whose name i do not know (uhm, he's the Hanazawa Rui of the korean HYD? if that helps, i'm not into the whole BOF hype sorry. i'm still at episode 8, it's been 2 months since i last watched it). now, avid KAT-TUN fans or people who have at least watched their QoP concert, does this look familiar to you?

My friend, an avid fan of KPop, showed me this picture and said "it looks just like the entrance in KAT-TUN's third concert!", which made me feel a bit happy because she remembered [i dragged her into the fandom, she thinks TomaPi is awesome and will forever be true, Eito Rangers are hilarious, and AkaKame are made of win; she's my own Odagiri Ryu lolx]. The fact that she was kind enough to credit this entrance (and all other gheiness) to KAT-TUN and not her beloved SS501 made me a bit happy. When she kept on pestering me about the similarity of the few photos she had and the QoP con, i simply said "QoP was last year. KPop boys are famous for crossdressing, so if they can pull off a solo number wearing a kimono and smeared lipstick on their faces, dancing above/walking on water, parasol and all, i guess i can recognize them."

I still think that boy/girl groups from different countries are entitled to at least have similarities in their works. I'm a fan of Lollipop and the whole BBT season 1 cast i think but I don't deny that they had tremendous help from the makers of HSJ's Ultra Music Power and NEWS' Weeeek for one of their songs (click here to watch Lollipop's YES! PV). SNSD's Gee (which I learned from my churchmates damnit why is everyone into KPop these days) had their choreography stolen(?!) and used for a Chinese folk song here. There's also this issue of SNSD versus Hei!Girl (Taiwanese Girl Pop Group counterpart of Lollipop)-- I guess I side with Hei!Girl on this one, since I've watched them even before TongTong left their label. There's really no harm in copying/adapting other people's ideas into other people's works, as long as its legal.

And anyway, I still maintain that Johnny's groups have the flashiest concerts I've seen. In a way they're my standard, which is why I don't mind other fandoms having fanwars who kill each other online. Johnny's IS the bar to overcome, even since Shonentai.

gyah, i just finished downloading Buzzer Beat 4.

random., non-je

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