on buzzer beat.

Aug 11, 2009 16:01

wow, i'm alive. :)

this is a short rant, since i'm not even finished with episode one (and well, maybe i'll finish up to episode 4 by the weekend?).
tomohisa smiles. it's still awfully faked, so i want to see him smile genuinely. but he and aibu saki look good together. keiko looks so fake playing the violin (you do not move THAT MUCH when you play the violin, dear girl). and why is naoki's lackey named shuji? i was a bit surprised, which shows that i never read dramawiki thoroughly enough. a reason i'm happy is because maya miki is naoki's mom. gahhh. i think i agree with my good friend (who is also a JE fan, and is somewhat the driving force behind me falling in love with anything JE that now i'm more knowledgeable than her), she told me a few days back that as of the current episode (she's watched up to ep3) Buzzer Beat isn't really the drama to watch this season. if you're a yamap fan you'd definitely rant about its greatness and such, but the plot is a bit-- shallow? i can't help but think that Johnny just wants yamap to have a drama this season, hence buzzer beat. i still think Orthros no Inu is a better choice this season; maybe if someone subbed Ninkyo Helper I'd have an opinion about it too.

EDIT: i retract my former statement hahaha. i love badass!aibu saki, she's cute! but hey, nobody wants our yamap pairing up with such a girl. BUT BUT BUT aibu-san is a pretty good actress, i'm really looking forward to het role! it's so different from the innocent and cutesy riiko she did for Zettai Kareshi. as for keiko-san, i might have to watch to find out if she's a good match for naoki. i still can't quite grasp that she's a cast member of the Sailor Moon live-action series.

a quote from my friend (to me): why do you have great tomapi photos? toma only looks handsome when he's with pi, and pi only looks beautiful and genuinely happy when he's with toma.

Naoki, your chest is bigger than your girlfriend's, isn't it?

Pi's manboobs ftw. :)

awake, otp

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