Last day of vacation

May 01, 2013 16:53

How is it possible that my vacation is already over again? Seriously. I just want another 10 to 20 days that I can spend in a vegetative state on my couch, man! That vacation wasn't even a vacation!

Got new furniture last week, so besides living in squallor for the better part of a week because all my stuff had to be piled into my living room, I spent almost three days doing nothing but taking apart and assembling furniture by myself. Which was kind of exhausting. Thursday night, I was finally done, but couldn't spend any time on my couch, because I had musical tickets. And Friday to Sunday I had to go to my second job's bi-annual work meeting. Which is usually a lot of fun and we get to stay in a great hotel (five stars this time) and get fed great food, like, every three hours, but which is also really exhausting. I spent all of Monday half asleep (gah, I'm getting old if one little weekend can wear me out so much). Of course I could have done without Saturday night. We had a great dinner at a restaurant on the 20th floor of some hotel that overlooks the whole city. After dinner, there's usually some entertainment and this time it was a drag show (which made sense, considering where we were). Of course, there's a hundred people in the room, and who does (s)he pick to pick on all night? Me. As always. I swear Murphy's Law was invented just for me. So embarrassing!

Anyway. So of course I didn't do anything that was actually on my to do list and tomorrow I start my new job, so it's doubtful that stuff is ever gonna get done. Meh. Also: not looking forward to new job. But at least the month started with a public holiday, so it's going to be a very short first week.
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