Apr 06, 2013 22:18
Remember when I was whining a little while ago how much it sucked getting into a fandom years after the show went off air? Case in point: the only actually comprehensive and non-sucky BSG-rec-journal just got taken down. Noooo! That was where I got all my good fic and could search for it by tags instead of having to go through a million links and not finding what I'm looking for. Do not like.
In other news, I'm pretty sure today counted as the first kinda spring-like day here (which means it was sunny and I'm pretty sure we had temperatures above the freezing point). I'm so ready for this effing endless winter to be over. I'd really like to put away my boots and my hats and my scarves. I mean, it's fraking April and I don't exactly live in Siberia. WTF? (Of course, with temperatures expected to reach a whopping 8°C this week, we have rain forecast from Tuesday on. What else?)
Only two more weeks left on the job before I have to use up my vacation days. It's so weird to think about not going there every day and not having all those people around me. :( Especially since I've seen it with so many others before me - you promise you'll stay in touch and you never do. And four weeks later you've forgotten the person ever existed. All of this just sucks. And I know I keep repeating myself and I know I keep whining about it, but the suckage just keeps growing exponentially the closer I get to my last day.
No news really on the job front. I was supposed to get feedback this week on a couple of interviews I went to, but of course nobody called and on Monday I actually have to go to another "round 2", which apparently consists of a 4-hour case study that I then will have to present to management. Great. Just what I need to start off the week. Went to another interview on Thursday for a job which well, doesn't completely suck, but doesn't advance me in any way either (same money, less responsibility, way below my skill level, 12-month contract, but at least it's in publishing) and it looks likely that I might get it, but the question is: do I really want to? (The fact that I probably won't have another choice but to accept if I don't want to be unemployed doesn't really make me very happy either - but well, I haven't even received an official offer yet, so we'll see).
Finally got a delivery date for my new wardrobe and bed (really about time considering my bedroom furniture is literally falling apart). And just looking at my calendar is making me break out in sweat. For some reason, I don't have a single day off during my upcoming vacation. O_o Not how that was supposed to go. But yay for new furniture.
Anyway. Enough whining for one day. I should probably head to bed seeing as I have to work in the morning (and don't I just love working on Sundays. The perks of having two jobs, ladies and gentlemen.).