Just realized I got tagged by
hoveringon the other day and totally forgot about it *grins sheepishly* So without further ado (...and about 4 weeks after everyone else did it), the You make my day award goes to...
sang_doo and
geckoholic (Huh. That just made me realize I have a few people on my flist that I've never talked to and have no idea who they are.) How many was I supposed to pick out? Don't remember (see a theme here?). But of course my whole flist makes my day (well...except maybe for the people of which I have no idea who they are ;))
....and you don't have to feel tagged, cause I'm pretty sure everybody but me's already done it anyway. ;)
And for the "You don't make my day at all"-awards...
my new ISP, photobucket (which makes me upload everything 10 fucking times because it never ever works)
New puzzles tomorrow if I don't forget that either (even though I'm pretty sure people are losing interest in them seeing how much the download rates went down for the past couple of posts)!