Love at Sea - Part 28

Jan 01, 2012 16:42

Love at Sea - Part 28

By Kymley 
About: Kevin and Scotty
Rate: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine. Just messing with the characters if B&S
Summary: Two men fall in love on a boat in 1912.

A/N - So one of my new years’ resolution is to write more; so even though I’m recovering from a nasty cold/flu bug I’m trying J

Scotty was in the kitchen preparing ingredients for the lunchtime meal; he was attempting to chop up ingredients. He was succeeding in the normal fashion that he and others had expected of him.

And it was all Kevin Walkers fault.

Before him Scotty was an expert; he could do this type of work with his eyes closed.

Except now when he closed his eyes he saw Kevin; when he thought of anything it always seemed to come back to Kevin.

Last night before he’d gone to bed he had Kevin directly out of his mind but that was before he had done to sleep.

That night trying to go to sleep; his mind drifted to Kevin and the more he tried to remove Kevin from his thoughts the more he become present in them.

When he finally actually got to sleep he had dreamed about him.

Nothing was inappropriate about the dream; it was about the future they had talked about.

Moving to New York; living together, though hiding their romance from everyone else, in private they were together. They enjoyed each others’ company, the loud moments together and the silent that would occur to a couple that knew each other so well that no words were needed.

He wanted that future and he thought Kevin had wanted it to.

But instead he had got engaged to someone else.

Yesterday it had hurt; hurt more than he thought was possible.

This morning he was angry.

Had Kevin even meant what he said, Scotty could stop thinking.

Which is why for the fifth time that morning he said “Shit” as he nearly sliced his finger off and drew the attention of everyone in the kitchen.

“Scotty” John said calling him over.

Scotty knew that John had been light with the punishment so far but if Scotty couldn’t pull himself together.

“You are to take the rest of the day off, come back tomorrow when you have yourself together” John said in a strict but neutral tone.

Scotty just nodded.

“And Scotty” as he was walking Scotty was walking away “you are docked one day pay”.

Scotty walked away even angrier than he was originally; he could understand way John did it, he should have been fired the first day, he has skipped lots of work time.

This was all Kevin Walkers fault Scotty thought as he rushed through the Saloon and outside not paying any attention to the individual following behind him.


“Scotty” Kevin said in a raised voice but not quite yelling as he raced after Scotty.

Scotty turned around only momentum and made direct eye contact with Kevin before turning around and if it was possible he started to move away quicker after seeing Kevin.

He saw the shock in Scotty’s face; along with the pain and something that he couldn’t quite recognise.

“Scotty” Kevin said hurriedly “wait” as he rushed after Scotty “Please” he begged slightly; in nothing than a whisper, how could he run after Scotty with this many people watching him.

He slowed down to a fast walk as he continued to race after the man of his dreams.


Scotty couldn’t believe Kevin was following; this was all Kevin’s fault and now he had the nerve to follow him. What was Kevin thinking?

Scotty could sense that Kevin was still following him and all he felt was his angry heightening into something even deeper than he wanted to admit.

Everything in his life had been perfect until Kevin Walker had come into his life. He had somehow managed to get to his room; on some type of auto pilot, he sat down on his bed and was about to lie down when he heard a knock on his door.

He was about to ignore it when he decided that he better answer it; he knew Kevin would stay outside until he did anyway.


Kevin could tell by the way that Scotty answered the door that he wasn’t happy to see Kevin but he also wasn’t surprised.

Scotty just turned around and walked away and let Kevin come inside and closed the door.

Scotty didn’t turn around and nearly shouted the words “What do you want, Kevin?”

Kevin couldn’t quite understand the hostile reception that he was receiving from Scotty; yesterday had been hard on both of them, didn’t Scotty realize that.

“I wanted to speak to you; then I saw you running out of the Saloon and figured now would be a good time. What happened, Scotty?” Kevin said in a kind and understanding voice; Scotty had always loved the gentle voice that Kevin had inside of him. He still was angry at Kevin; he just couldn’t help it.

He turned around and decided to let Kevin have some choice words from him instead.

“What happened Kevin” Scotty said angrily and Kevin told feel the heat come from Scotty “is that I’ve nearly lost my job on a number of occasion since meeting you. I’ve been late and distract; I asked for a transfer to a hotel in New York to be closer to you” Kevin gasped in surprise; he hadn’t realize that Scotty had already done that “then, you... you... you go ahead and ask someone to marry you, who you don’t love just because of what your father up Kevin, he can’t keep controlling you life if you don’t let him. I tried to understand the situation but all I wanted was you in my life and now I don’t have that. I’m so distracted from work that I’m an inch away from being fired...and it’s your entire fault. What do you want Kevin?” Scotty finished as the last bit of angry left his body.

Kevin just took in all the information Scotty gave him and then said hesitantly “We broke off the engagement”.

End of Part 28

scotty, kevin, love at sea - series

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