(no subject)

Apr 06, 2008 18:08

a year ago i posted this in some 'pope says abortion is not a 'human right'' thread.

Note that I am pro-choice.

Abortions are not a human right. A human right is what's considered to be inherent to the fact that we are human and alive. A human right is like the right to not be slaughtered in the streets by our government. To not be mistreated/tortured, a right to seek food, water, and medical treatment.

Getting an abortion if it threatens the woman's life is a human right. Getting one because you just don't want it is not. Different people believe people have human rights based on the fact that they are human. It doesn't matter what The Pope says, because it's all subjective.

What it COULD BE, is a citizen's right. It could be a right for the citizen to seek abortion under that government. The problem with, say, the United States, is that they don't define SHIT. They don't define when a "life" begins, what "right to privacy" in Roe vs Wade is (hint: it's not in the constitution), so if they offered concrete definitions to the word Life and whether it begins at conception, after the second trimester, or if a fetus is considered a Life. It has to be a concrete answer to have precedence

My personal preference is that abortion is a medical procedure. That is how I am pro-choice. It should be treated like any other medical procedure. The fact that courts grant it any level of protection different from any level is ludicrous. Since Roe v Wade does not apply to any other medical procedure, it's inherently incorrect in the fact that every medical procedure isn't covered under the Right to Privacy, only abortion. You can't have the right to privacy for a doctor to scoop out your brains with a spoon, but under the logic of the right to privacy, you should be allowed to, but no court in the world would say you have the right to that. See what I mean? It's all very confusing because they didn't define Life.

tl;dr who cares what the pope thinks? it's all subjective.
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