(no subject)

Mar 20, 2008 12:10

interesting dream this time, pretty vivid too.

for whatever reason i was in a house with a friend who happened to be Kircheis and some other guy. maybe we're housemates or at a boarding school, either way outside we had a really big front yard and backyard. anyway, some kids attacked us (one on a bike and one with a club) and i managed to get the one on a bike to drive into a tree at full speed. we go to help him and he starts feeling bad (and woozy) about what he did.

so, we get attacked by zombies. not sure if this happens immediately after or whatnot, but they come and they come en masse. there are big fat zombies, skinny zombies, and some have special abilities. we try to fight them off but there are just too many (even when some allies join us). so, we're slightly faster than them so we make a break for it. go from backyard to front yard around the house, the streets are busy and the zombies are nice enough to wait for the cars to pass before crossing. anyway, at this point we all get separated (i save a few people by being a distraction and drawing zombies to me) and a bunch of zombies chase after just me. i get into this small church/castle thing and try to hold the door closed but it's no use as they start to overpower me on the other side (i must note that one of the zombies looked just like Pudge (an abomination from warcraft 3)). a lot of the zombies looked like the ones i was killing in hellgate london last night as well.

i go up a couple floors and get to the roof, with the zombies trailing close behind. i jump from the roof of the church to the roof of the other building, knowing i gotta keep moving or they'll follow me. anyway, i can see the ground from here. some dudes running, a SHITLOAD of zombies slowly moving towards what i see to be a mansion with a huge, fenced-in yard to the side of it with people. i see a gate in front that's slowly being lowered while people try to get in, and then it shuts leaving a bunch of people on the outside to be eaten. i figure that's where i need to go to be safe. i jump from building to building until i'm on top of that mansion.

i see these blue beacons on the roof and on the ground, with wires attached to all of them. there are a couple people working on something. i keep asking them if they're going to blow this mansion up, but they're not answering me. if they were, standing on top of the damn thing wasn't very safe for me. at the last moment (they were preparing to die on the damn thing) i jumped off but i snagged one of the beacons on my clothes as i jumped into the yard, so the explosion wasn't uniform. people were yelling at me and hated me, like the time that would've bought would've stopped the zombie hordes or something (it wouldn't have), either way they decided to all blame me for their impending doom. i jumped (why do i have super jumping powers in this dream?) into some... wall with a little door on it and entered it. people were shooting guns at me and shit, really pissed. forgetting all about the zombie horde- which, with the big pudge-like zombies, were tearing down the fence. the humans went after me and i took a few of them out before i found myself on my knees with a few other survivors; the only people left. the zombies were all standing in front of us, thousands of them in that former fenced in area, and it seems like a big guy who looked like a Lich from warcraft 3 was leading them. my last words were something like, "at least i killed a shitload of you fuckers before i died" expecting my certain doom, but instead he did something curious.

everything started spinning and i found myself as this little servant creature. that lich turned me into a slave of some sort! although, he accidentally left me with free will. i performed his tasks, doing little thing here and there and testing the limits of the newly-formed zombie compound. it was very afterlife-esque, because technically i still died and now i was in this new intelligent zombie world. i still believed i could meet other humans if i escaped, i believed in freedom despite there being nothing out there for me. that i could turn back time or something. either way, it was like a game. i had the option of during certain risky thing with a chance of being caught and i wisely chose what to do and what not to do. at this point i woke up.

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