(no subject)

Apr 26, 2004 15:23

::15 Random Favorites::
15. NPR
14. summer
13. lilacs
12. freshly cut grass
11. beagles
10. Ramona Quimby
9. hardwood floors
8. fire
7. ice tea
6. long walks
5. long talks
4. nag champa incense
3. black
2. Friends
1. kindergarten

::14 Favorite Foods::
14. cheese
13. green olives
12. ravioli
11. ranch dressing
10. raspberries
9. potato skins
8. dill pickles
7. coffee
6. tomatoes
5. cucumbers
4. bread
3. french fries
2. strawberries
1. quesadillas

::13 Things that Annoy You::
13. Passive-agressiveness
12. people who turn too slowly
11. high humidity
10. being broke
9. arrogance
8. people with no common sense
7. suburbs
6. extreme makeover shows
5. gigantic crowds
4. John Mayer
3. pageant chicks
2. driving
1. spoiled rich brats

::12 Good Bands (or musicians) in your Opinion::
12. No Doubt
11. Tool
10. Led Zeppelin
9. Rilo Kiley
8. Jefferson Airplane
7. Radiohead
6. Bob Dylan
5. Blondie
4. Janis Joplin
3. Billie Holiday
2. Pink Floyd
1. Tori Amos

::11 Memories::
11. Being my aunt's flower girl just before my 3rd birthday
10. First day of kindergarten, Sarah Knipper showing me how to use the paper towel dispenser
9. Learning the word "rambunctious"
8. Slicing my finger open on a staple that stuck out from my aunt's recliner
7. The day I was the 4th grade pariah
6. The evil notes we used to pass in junior high
5. Bringing Eddie home on a towel in my lap
4. climbing out my window and kissing Steve in my back yard under my parents' window
3. chucking an empty rum bottle onto the railroad tracks at the county fair when I was 18
2. A vicious sunburn that left me shivering and crying for 12 hours and took two weeks to peel
1. moving out after freshman year, and crying as my mom brushed my hair from my eyes and said "I'm proud of you"

::10 Close Friends::
10. my brother
9. Andy
8. Amy
7. Kailyn
6. Anne
5. Jeff
4. Lisa
3. Abby
2. Rachel
1. my mama

::09 Things you're looking forward to::
9. May 14, 2005
8. Student teaching
7. next Tuesday
6. my birthday
5. Abby coming home
4. getting a dog
3. summer
2. going to DC again
1. living somewhere else

::08 Articles of Clothing::
8. purple Pumas
7. worn jeans
6. short skirt
5. pink flip-flops
4. green sweater
3. boy-cut underwear
2. black shirt
1. bigass hoop earrings

::07 Biggest Time-Sucks::
7. Mario Kart
6. VH1
5. naps
4. cleaning
3. Minesweeper
2. the Internet
1. knitting

::06 Things You Touch Everyday::
6. the koze
5. my keys
4. my eyeballs
3. the keyboard
2. my purse
1. my hair

::05 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over::
5. Forrest Gump
4. American Beauty
3. Pulp Fiction
2. Chicago
1. Dogma

::04 Of Your Favorite Childhood Toys::
4. Rainbow Brite
3. Barbies (gah!)
2. Spirograph
1. Trivial Pursuit

::03 People You Have Kissed::
3. Andy
2. Joe
1. Steve

::02 Of Your Favorite Songs::
2. No Doubt - Bathwater
1. Joan Baez - Diamonds and Rust

::01 Person You Could Spend the Rest of Your Life With::
1. Not saying.
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