We Named THE DOG Indiana.

Aug 05, 2011 20:07

I always try to support the Humble Indie Bundle, where a bunch of independent game developers band together to offer 5 of their games for whatever price you think is fair. All the games are DRM-free and work on Win/Lin/Mac, and you can choose whether a portion of your payment to go to the Electronic Freedom Foundation and/or Child's Play charities. Also the games come with Steam and Desura keys, so you can manage them through those services if you want.

I got in early in the first bundle back in 2010, but didn't take the second bundle because money was so tight, I couldn't afford a real offering (can't bring myself to buy a bundle of games for only $1, that's just a dick move). Now I'm in a position to spend discretion-arily again, and ordered the bundle on the first day. Ever since then things have only gotten sweeter!
Game after game has been added to the bundle post-hoc, so what used to be 5 games turned into 11 or 12. What's more, 5 of those bonus games turned out to be the offerings from the HIB2 that I missed out on! Oh, and there's a few days of Minecraft for free ('til August 14th).

And to think people are bitching about Diablo 3's DRM/always online requirement.

There's still a few days left to get in on this. You'll get:

Crayon Physics Deluxe
And Yet It Moves
Steel Storm
Atom Zombie Smash
(Pay more than the average amount and you'll also get Braid, Osmos, Machinarium, Revenge of the Titans, and Cortex Command)

Now if only I had time to play all these games. Hell, I still haven't finished all the games from the first HIB!

hib, humble indie bundle, games

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