Sketching from today.
I installed GIMPshop over the weekend but I haven't had a chance to try it out yet. Today looks to be no different. The premise is that it takes
The GIMP and dresses up the menus to be all Photoshoppy. So basically I'm using it as a free graphics editor that can also maybe ease me into Photoshop, should I ever have access to a $600+ program. Maybe when I get my feet wet I'll start colorizing Sinfest strips again.
Sunday we went to Britain's apartment (we meaning Mom, Lane, and I) and had a long talk. The short version is that Britain was pretty emotionally overwhelmed when we all showed up, admitted to a lot of things (including my second Wiimote), and we're all trying to decide what to do. Lane and Mom were wanting him to move back into the house, where they plan to keep an eye on him. I think this is a mistake and said as much. We said we'd talk it out later. I said I don't know if I would drop the charges or not. I haven't heard back from the Sheriff, and apparently they haven't even visited Britain yet. Anyway, his moped has a flat tire so he can't go anywhere until it's fixed, he needs at least a couple of weeks to flush some residual marijuana from his system before applying for a job that would drug test him, and I think he (and the rest of us) all need to talk to somebody else about this situation, like a mediator who knows what we're going through.
Today was very busy. While setting up some stuff for the local polls, Mom said she was thinking about having Britain enlist in the armed services for a couple of years where he would get a completely different, unfamiliar environment that would force self-discipline and responsibility on him while keeping him clean. I told her that, if he was willing to go through with it (he had denied it) I would definitely drop the charges. Whatever happens, I feel that we can't let him come back here, and he knows he can't stay where he is (too many dealers around). Maybe we can think things out and make some kind of progress soon.