Just between me and Bean.

Mar 31, 2005 12:24

so far )

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seaniebaby March 31 2005, 21:35:11 UTC
You are rude. You've admitted to being rude. I find you very rude. If I wanted to waste my time and go through every single post in every single journal, then I would. Sadly I have better things to do.

Well for someone who you claim to like, you sure treated Liv badly. I doubt she would really hate anyone who was decent to her.

And if Gabe really did care about Liv he'd shut you up. He'd tell you to stop making him out to be some God, because it's only making people hate him all the more. You think you're helping him? I really don't understand how you could think that when the truth is the complete opposite. I feel sorry for Gabe because of what you're doing. You keep making out that I'm hurting him, how? My feud with Gabe ended, if there even was one in the first place. It’s you I have the problem with. It’s you who I’m finally feeling brave enough to stand up to. The name Gabe wouldn't even need to be mentioned if you didn't keep bringing him up.

You haven't listened to my side. I haven't even told you my side so how could you have? That just about sums it all up really doesn't it? You think you know what's going on when you don't actually have a clue.


kyle_d_d March 31 2005, 22:11:56 UTC
Whatever. You do what you want to do, Beaner, but you gotta look at the big picture here and not just a few select things you wanna see. That's what I'm doin' - lookin' at the big picture.

Liv never much cared for me and Gabe bein' as close as we were. Can't blame her for that, but when you walk into a situation were people have been best friends for a quarter of a century, and not likely to change how much time they spend together, you gotta expect to not have as much time with someone as you want. Gabe is a person who spreads himself pretty thing with all the stuff he has goin' on. Just didn't work out in the relationship. I know what I did to her, and it was a big fuck up on my part. I was hopin' she'd turn to him more, but didn't work out like that. I take a lot of the blame for what happened, and I'll never forgive myself for that one.

He tried to shut me up earlier. Didn't work. Or did you miss that one. I might be his lapdog, but I bite back. We got things straight between us and he said he was stayin' out of this whole mess.
People already hate him, Beaner. Why the hell do you think he left? Wasn't a thing left for him here other than him and Amy bein' friends. Me defendin' him or speakin' up for him won't change a thing as far as anyone is concerned. I know that. I'm tiltin' at windmills. But I'm speakin' my mind, and that ain't gonna change.
You made a few comments that weren't necessary, and that's what I'm talkin' about. There were a few more things said about how you didn't like the way he was behavin', and none of what he said to you or Liv was public. Just closure with the both of you, askin' a few questions. If you knew him better you'd know how important closure is to him. Doesn't turn off the pain, but at least he knows the reason for it.

I'm glad you're standin' up to me. This is the most fun I've had in a while, pal. Oh, and Gabe's name is mentioned because he's kinda the focal point in my arguements. Otherwise I'd probably not give you or Liv a second thought. Didn't see me in the Harry/Eli thing, did you? Why? None of my business. Do you see me anywhere else? Nope. Orli's post, but that's it other than Gabe's. I know damn well I'm not welcome anywhere else, so I don't go there. And lest you forget, you came into my LJ, so therefore are fair game for whatever. Do you see me commentin' in yours? Nope. Didn't see anyone comment on your last post. Why? Who knows?

Why are you brave enough to stand up to me? Heh. That's a good one. Because I'm persona non grata and you got nothin' to lose, Beaner. I'm nobody. You're arguin' with smoke in the wind.

Sure I'm listenin' to your side - you imply that Gabe made Liv's life hell in some of your comments. I'm sayin' there's two sides to every story, and until you know his, know everything that happened, it's best to not say anything at all. If you want your side known, let it be known. I've got a big clue, Beaner. I was there. Where were you? You only know what you were told and what you read, a lot of which was taken for what it wasn't actually was. People kinda forget we have a life outside of pups, dude.

You stick to your people and I'll stick to mine. I'll still post when I want to and about what I want to, and you do the same. Just leave Gabe alone and you'll never hear from me again.


seaniebaby March 31 2005, 22:28:46 UTC
Why am I arguing with you? Why do I bother even speaking to you? Why don't I just laugh off your pathetic behavior off and ignore you like everyone else?

Well now isn't that an interesting question. Could it be that I give a fuck? No but that would make me a nice person! But then there have been times when I was one of the only people who was nice to Gabe. There have been times when I stuck up for Gabe. There was a time when I wished you a happy birthday in my post when I bet not many others did. Obviously you both have as much of a selective memory as you claim I do.

You don't seem to have a life outside, Gabe. That's the problem. Your life seems to revolve around him. So you can understand why we do forget.

Why does Gabe think that people hate him? Why do you think people hate you? You can't really think it's because people haven't bothered getting to know you. WHY don't they want to get to know you?

I will post what I want. I’ll post everything I’m thinking and I look forward to you not saying a single thing about it. Because, if you don’t like it don’t read it. Now I’ve heard that somewhere before........


kyle_d_d March 31 2005, 22:55:02 UTC
Dunno, Beaner. Maybe because we're both frustrated as hell and this is a good way to get things out and over with. Hell, I don't care if others ignore me. I know who and what matters to me, and that's good enough for me.

I never said you weren't nice to Gabe. He always did like you depsite that thing with Mirry. He still does. He's gonna miss you, you know. You're a nice guy, and I don't wanna see that change. All I'm sayin' is that I don't want you to hit Gabe anymore when he's down. You don't see what I see when you make certain comments, Bean.

I got a life outside of Gabe. He's posted about it. You know... my cartoons and my kids and Jen and all that. No comments made on that though. Only comments are made when people think we're talkin' about them. Funny how that is, eh? But bottom line is that he's a damn big part of my life. Damn big. I pity anyone who never finds someone in their life to have the bond that Gabe and I do. Might seem weird or unhealthy or fucked up to most, but it works for us.

YOU said people hate Gabe... will hate him even more after what I've been doin' here. He's heard it from others a while back. Might have been told to him just to hurt him, but for a few, he's not seen anything to indicate that he's wanted or liked by the community in general. Prove me otherwise.
I know why people don't want to get to know me. Or him. We came on strong and weird in the beginning, and it wasn't what anyone wanted around them. Things with Mirry fucked it up even more. Some took it upon themselves to tell Gabe what and what not he should post about. Long, long history of stuff, Bean. Stuff you weren't always around for. Gotta get the whole picture, you know?

Feel free, dude. I won't bug you a bit as long as you don't say things not true or are only partially true. I'll read. If I don't like, I'll keep it to myself except for one condition, and I think I've made it pretty clear what it is. But no way will I comment in your lj about it. I'll post here. No snark, no cryptic, just my opinions. Flat out.


seaniebaby April 1 2005, 07:17:07 UTC
I'm gonna miss Gabe as well. I only made 'certain comments' because I felt forced into defending myself. It was your comment in your post about how Liv left Gabe for 'another dude' which made me write what I did in my journal. Liv and I had no intention of announcing our relationship so soon, but your comment made me feel like I had to say something to defend myself. Gabe of all people should understand what that feels like.

I think it's nice that you and Gabe are close. You just gotta understand that I, and I know some others, don't really want to read how wonderfully amazing and perfect he is all the time when we know he's human and, like any human, makes mistakes, upsets people and isn't always perfect. I'm sure he'd be the first to admit to that.

No, I don't know the whole history between you two and everyone else. I never said that I did. I suppose I only know the what people have said about you more recently. I know you can only be yourself, but I just find it sad that there are things you can change which will make people like you more. You just don't seem to want to change anything. But then it's your choice and your life so who I am to tell you to do anything?

If you want to post here about me that's fine. As long as you realise that if you or Gabe say anything that I don't like, I can also post about it on my journal. Goes both ways.

I know you're finding this fun but it's actually upsetting me. I don't like arguing or confrontation and me being upset is in turn upsetting Liv. So I might have to bow out soon. Although I feel that we are getting somewhere so I won't just yet.


kyle_d_d April 1 2005, 13:30:32 UTC
Got me there, Beaner. I did say that. Didn't mention no names though. But I see what you mean. I gotta say this, though... I never thought anyone would read that but Gabe and Amy, maybe Liv. Didn't know you read my lj, to be honest. Vig and me don't even have each other friended, so the news came from you and not me as far as he was concerned. Or not, but I just can't imagine him lookin' to see if I posted. I guess that's why I thought you were talkin' about him there. Yeppers, Gabe understands. We had a long talk last night. Even had an unbiased mediator, and we got a lot of shit straightened out. I think you'd be amazed and pleased.

Well, if you don't wanna hear about Gabe, skip my posts. Easy enough to do. SCROLL PAST IT.....!!! *snickers* Seriously. No arm twistin' goin' on here, ya know? Yeah, he's human. He's the first to admit to a fuck up, and when he does he's labeled a martyr. Kind of a rock and a hard place, eh? Those days are gone though since he don't post in that lj no more.

I don't care what others say about me, to be honest. Did at one time, but haven't for a while now. Seems like a lot of talk is goin' on about me, maybe even Gabe, but we don't hear it. Why not? 'Fraid of hurtin' out feelings? Too late. Happened long, long ago. I shrugged it off. He's not like that. Too sensitive for his own good. I been thinkin' on that... the talk. Is it because people are too nice to hurt feelings? Could be, until the talk gets back to the person bein' talked about, and we all know it does one way or another, and them feelings get hurt anyway. Not just us, but most everyone on the planet. Has it ever happened to you? To anyone you know? Mmhmm.
Beaner, I don't think there's a thing in this world I could do to make those that don't like me now like me in the future. I'm not even gonna try. It's not cuz I don't care, cuz I do, but my head and a brick wall will never be buddies, so I don't go beatin' one against the other to try and make it happen. I'm damn happy with the friends I got here. And my family, and my work... damn happy and content with all of that. I never much posted about it cuz Gabe usually beat me to it. I don't mind that he did cuz I'd rather read about it than write it.

You won't have to worry about me postin' shit you don't like. As I said earlier, we had a long talk last night. He asked me to do it for Liv - well, not to do it for her, and I agreed. Don't have to worry about him since his lj is collectin' dust in the post department. Always did go both ways. Glad to see you had the cajones to do the same thing we do. And do it in a mature way, with no name callin' and all that. Gotta respect that, Beaner.

The fun comment was tongue-in-cheek. I'm kinda like that... sarcastic but with not a lot of bite to it. When that happens, you'll know. Well, whoever it's directed at will know. Sometimes there has to be arguin' and confrontation if things are to be settled. It's all in how you do it that makes the difference. Might get a little heated at times, but shit happens. Gotta pick your battles and stand up for things you think are worth it. That's all I did.
I think we got a lot of things taken care of here. I had my say, you had yours, and in those infamous words, agree to disagree. There ya have it. I'm done, havin' said my peace. I apologized to Liv privately. She don't have to accept it, but I was sincere when I did it. It's all I can do.


seaniebaby April 1 2005, 18:13:38 UTC
I'm done as well. I think your post ended it rather nicely. I don't think I disagree with anything you just said.

I might unfriend your journal for the time-being, just because I need some space from you and Gabe until emotions are less raw. Hope you understand.

So yeah......I don't have much else to say really. Probably is a good thing that we got it all out instead of keeping it inside and letting it brew. That never helps anyone.

So I guess this is goodbye for now.


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