Just between me and Bean.

Mar 31, 2005 12:24

It should. I'm the coolest.

Really though, I never had too many issues with you. You and Gabe are a little alike, you know. Only difference is you used to get away with most of the shit you did, where as he was always gettin' called on the shit he did. I think you both changed a hell of a lot. Everyone grows up sometime, eh? I mean... look at Gabe. He didn't go off on Liv at all like he did Mir when she left him, even though it hurt a whole lot more. Nope, just tucked his tail between his legs and all but disappeared.
And you, well, you're focusin' on someone besides yourself. That's cool, man. Your sis is lucky to have you.

Of course you sayin' you'd not let Gabe fight alone score some major points with me, even if there ain't no fight goin' on.

I mean... look at Gabe. He didn't go off on Liv at all like he did Mir when she left him, even though it hurt a whole lot more. Nope, just tucked his tail between his legs and all but disappeared.

Now that's the funniest thing I've heard in a long time.

Beaner, until you know ALL the facts, shut up. Gabe has been pretty damn low-key about all of this and you snarkin' on him ain't all that fair to you. If you remember right, Gabe was a lot more... vocal about him and Mir breakin' up. And they fought a lot in public. He and Liv ain't doin' that, and aside from one private post to her, askin' her a few things, that's been it. I think he's been pretty damn good to you too, pal. He told me pretty much what he said to you, and to be honest, if you were in his place, findin' out your wife left you for someone you thought was a friend, what the hell would you have done? Or said? Now you be fair about all of this. Yeah, he made her cry. She made him cry. He hasn't called her but once, and that was after she called him. I've been stayin' out of this so far, but you do anything like this again and you'll have me to deal with, and I don't give a flyin' fuck what anyone thinks about me.

Oh, and if you're referrin' to his Easter post, get over it. He's still allowed to do what he wants with his lj, and if you don't like it, get him off your f-list. He ain't botherin' you none.
If you mean about his posts elsewhere, well, you wern't invited there so get out.

Orli, sorry about doin' this here, but goddammit, I'm not gonna have Gabe take shit unless he deserves it. And he didn't deserve this, no matter how small it may seem. Speaks volumes to me.

...and you snarkin' on him ain't all that fair to you. I meant to him. Ain't fair to him. I'm so pissed off at the moment - at him and you - that I can't fuckin' think straight.

You're such a hypocrite. When Orlando stands up to people he's so brave and got such balls. Yet when people stand up to you, you don't like it do you? So people can stand up to anyone as long as it's not you? Well that's just grand.

Until I know the facts? Now that's amusing. What the hell have you got to do with what's going in between Gabe, Liv and I anyway? Nothing. It's none of your business yet you have the cheek to tell ME that I need to know the facts. When was the last time you spoke to me Kyle? Saw me even? How could you even begin to know what I'm going through?

I was referring to all of his posts, not just the Easter one, as well as all the replies he has done on everyone's journals. He hasn't disappeared one single bit. Especially when now you're posting all the time, instead of him, doing nothing but talk about him! You called ME a lap-dog? Look in the mirror, mate, then tell me who is the lap-dog.

Deal with you? Bring it on. You don't scare me. It's about time people said what they really think of the way you both behave and I'm the one willing to do it.

And I'm sorry as well, Orli. You had to say what you had to say in this post. I'm just doing the same thing now.

More on this, but elsewhere, Beaner.

For starters, I don't care who stands up to me. Bring it on. If I cared, I wouldn't said anything in the first place.
You don't know all the facts, pal. That was pretty obvious when you thought all Gabe did was yell at Liv, and he showed you that's not the case. Am I right? Myep. Sure, they argued. Who doesn't? Hell, me and Gabe fight all the time, but that's how we are. He's not like that with anyone else. Sure as hell was never like that to her. And trying to get a point across, to tell someone what the problem is and not have them understand ain't arguin'. Yeah, I was around a few times when that went on. I heard it.

So what if I post now? What's wrong with that? Again, if you don't like it, don't read it. So what if I post about him? He's my best friend and a huge part of my life. If I wanna be his lapdog, that's my choice. Who are you to tell me how to run my life when you ain't never been any part of it? If I wanna speak up when he won't, I will.
I don't talk to you cuz I got no reason to.
I know you're goin' through a lot. You and Vig had something special for a long time. I'm truly sorry it ended for you, but it did. And who was one of the first to express sympathy for you? Gabe. Who was the one who let his wife go help you? Gabe. He didn't have to, but he cares, Beaner. A lot. No matter what anyone has done to him, he still cares and will do what he can for anyone as long as he can.
If you remember right - if not, go back and check - he said he wasn't gonna post in that lj anymore, but might pop in now and then. He also said he wouldn't be commentin' anymore unless he was mentioned. I think if you check, you'll see that's the case.

He can comment to me all he wants no matter where I post, pal. Don't like it? Don't fuckin' read it.

Gabe IS my business. I've stood by him and loved him for twenty-five years now, and I don't plan to stop anytime soon. It ain't always been easy, but that don't matter in the end.
I'm the one who spent all that time with him while he wondered what was goin' on with Liv. I saw what it did to him. Did you? Did you ever once say "sorry, Gabe. Sucks, man." Nope. Did anyone? Nope. Amy was a friend to him, but that's another story.

You go right ahead and tell us what you think, Beaner. You don't scare me either. I'll start you out: Gabe and Kyle are a couple of asshole hypocrites that never shoulda come here. The world would be better off without them, but we're stuck with 'em for now. They treat people like shit and are cryptic and snarky. They say one thing and do another. They made Liv's life a livin' hell and should be shot for it.
How am I doin' so far? You think this is news to me? Nope.
But you know what? Didn't have to be this way. Mir came to him at a very rough time in his life. He was really depressed and lost and lookin' for some answers to questions he didn't know he had. She didn't have to cheat on him but she did. I was a shit then too and didn't help matters, but me and Gabe got through it. Liv came into his life and saved him from all that blackness he was sufferin'. He had another friend too that was really helpin' and spent a lot of time with him. Doin' for him what Liv wasn't able to, cuz she don't have no psyche trainin' and that other person did. But she didn't much care for him spendin' time elsewhere. Can't say that I blame her a bit for that - I didn't much care for it either. But it got to be a problem so Gabe gave it up and tried to focus on Liv. Then she left. Came back, wanted him back, but they never could get past some issues - either one of 'em, and that's when he wanted out of a sorry situation and she did too. He wouldn't have given up if he thought there was a chance of tryin' more to make it better. Did though because of you, Beaner. She started havin' feelin's for you, and he let her go. You know why? Because he wants her happy and he wasn't the one who could do it anymore. He'd take her back in a heartbeat if he thought it could be like it was in the beginnin'. Hell, wasn't too long ago they ran off to the Caribbean and got remarried - his way of tryin' to make it better. Didn't work though. He wanted answers and a little more from her, she wasn't able to do it. He's a guy who needs a lot, and there are few on this earth with the capacity to meet those needs. Don't mean they don't still love him, but to live with him? Not a good idea.

So, Beaner, say what you will, but before you go makin' Gabe look like an abusin' beast or anything else bad, you make sure you can back up them claims. This is damn hard on him, on her... on you too. Damn hard on me to watch him deal with it. I sure as hell won't sit back and let you slam him in any way when he's not doin' anything to anyone anymore. And if he does surface anywhere other than in my posts with comments, it's only because he thinks he might have something to offer that someone could use. Just leave him the hell alone. Pick on me all you want, but leave him alone.
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