Nov 20, 2012 19:05
Well for the past couple months I have been pursued by a Highway Patrolman from Madison County... we will call him Big Bear. He was determined to convince me to go out with him. I kept telling him all the reasons we could go out and all the reasons we would not work out. Our differences in beliefs, his smoking and my not wanting to have children. But he was undeterred!! The wonderful friend that convinced me to go on a first date was also determined that we would be perfect for each other. Then he took me on an all expenses (no conditions) paid vacation to a place I had never been (this place is not hypothetical I'm just trying to protect the innocent... and the guilty). I went... He picked me up around 11 at night and drove. I was going to fall asleep but he had doo op music playing, which in itself is not something that would keep me up considering I Love that music but he was singing it quietly to himself and... I liked it. So i got up and sang with him and talked with him the entire time. To make this long story short I meet his mom and step dad, some of his friends and had a fabulous time. He was such a gentleman and really reeeeeaaalllld me in so to speak. I changed my mind and thought man he is totally worth the effort, the compromise, the chance... I was willing to try. He made me want children! AND I DONT WANT KIDS!! So i invited him to go to a police academy graduation one of my friends was in and he invited me to go to his MADD awards ceremony the next day. He saw that on both occassions I did not salute the flag. Now anyone who knows me KNOWS that I havent done that since high school but they recognise that I still stand out of respect and do other things to show my support for law enforcement and military and that in no way am i a hater of those agencies. My own father, grandfather, other family members and friends hold positions in those agencies... HECK i even work for a government agency! Well aparently he decides he wants to be livid with me over it and doesnt tell me about it for a month. Yeah... he wasnt just upset or irritated he was livid to the point he didnt even want to talk to me or see me. But he told that wonderful mutual friend we had that he was pissed off instead. I had to demand he see me to get him to come talk to me about it. I cooked him steak and made homemade macaroni and cheese got some rolls and banna pudding because its his favorite... I went all out! I wanted him to see that he could tell me when things upset him and that i was falling in love with him and wanted to do what it took to make him happy... BUT NO!!! The guy comes and eats and says its awesome and still says "I dont think this will work out." He brings my dad into saying that he thinks my dad is lying about being okay with me not saluting the flag and then says that we're to old to compromise adn he doesnt want to try... What could I do but let him go? I am so hurt right now. He spent months trying to get me to like him then he turns around when I'm ready to reciprocate his feelings to tear me apart... I took a shot and missed... he didnt have to bite me in the buttocks. He asked if we could be friends... its been 2 weeks and he wont talk to me. I texted him about 4 times havent called him... I think its time i just let go dont you. Im feel so depressed... I thought I was something special to him... but apparently I am not worth the effort... maybe when he found out i wasnt going to 'put out' he decided to find something to dislike about me so he would feel so bad about dumping me. What would you do? What things would you do to get over a heart break? Venting now... already cried and still do from time to time. I hate loving someone who doesnt want me to... but i guess thats life. At leas I tried, at least I took a shot... and I dont regret it.