Oct 02, 2016 02:46
just recently, i found out that i'm not a member of a community.
which i thought i've been a member of. or maybe not?
or maybe i was deleted due to being inactive for 3mos. on commenting to their posts???
i'm not sure and i'm confused honestly.
how can i even confirm or find anything about being a member
just to make sure i was a member of that community?
my inbox is cluttered and i'm now not sure if i've been a member or not or yes-but-got-deleted. @_@;;
and since they're not open... when will they? i'm desperate... T_T;;
i've been sort-of-busy outside internet...
driving lesson, taking care of love-one who is sick and had relapse, house chores, etc. OTL
aside from the fact that i'm still confused and unprepared
to either take NCLEX or look for another job.
in short, i'm feeling pressured when this is asked from me.
fck my life. i guess. @_@;;
scanlation group community,