(no subject)

Jun 05, 2008 22:28

Well Obama is the presumptive nominee. During his acceptance speech he blathered on about change and hope and the future as usual. This time he also threw in that he was going to end the war and bring our troops home, he assured the audience that America would have Universal Healthcare and he tipped his hat to Hillary for helping with that, and he would make sure that we would lift the "children" out of poverty so that they can live up to their full potential.

So basically I understand this to mean:
1. He is going to ensure that instead of terrorists focusing efforts in Iraq because our troops have made a stand there and the terrorists are attracted to the large numbers of them like mosquitos to a bug zapper... he will nullify any sort of progress we have helped Iraq make after the ouster of Saddam and the people of Iraq electing and participating in their government for the first time. They will be thrown to the wolves and will be overrun with no stop gap between the civilians and the terrorists. More people and children will die, the country will fracture, sectarianism will reemerge. He will void the lives that have been lost there on our side at least and will give a big thumbs up and a slap on the back for the good work to those who strap bombs to themselves or who put roadside bombs in place to kill our troops. In my opinion this would be giving carte blanche to any terrorist wanting to stroll over and have another 9/11 or turn our streets into those of Israel or Iraq. Great plan, makes me feel better especially knowing the liberal spin is that our soldiers are little more than terrorists in uniform. After our capitulation they won't be raping women during the night, rounding up children and beating them, or dragging Iraqi men in the street and shooting them. After all that is what they do over there. So if we just bring them back home all will be right with the world because our troops won't be in it.

2. He has somehow deluded himself into the PC notion that the fiasco that is government run healthcare: Medicare and Medicaid which reimburses hospitals and Dr's less than their actual costs of care (which drives up the cost overall for everyone to compensate) and yet still somehow these programs manage to constantly run in the red and every new fiscal year must have ever more and more and more money poured into them. That's great management. The news media who don't care shit about our troops were all over the apparent poor quality care that some were receiving at Walter Reuther which is yet another governement run and funded health system... apparently in shambles. New plan: turn over full control of our health system to the government they OBVIOUSLY know how to efficiently and effectively run the other examples I've just cited.

Europe with the UK, France, and Germany particularly are struggling to cope with massive budget shortfalls for their health systems and their own professional medical organizations have suggested denying care to people who are too old, denying joint replacements and cardiac surgery to the obese, and denying liver and pancreas transplants as well as cardiac care to alcoholic patients all in the name of cutting costs, trying to bail the water out of the sinking ship that is their healthcare systems. In France most people still carry their own private insurance because the governement no longer pays for many services in an effort to save money. In the UK, much as in Canada, those who can afford to pay outright for care and surgery are moved to the front of the line rather than those on the governement healthcare system who have to take numbers and wait and sometimes die.

Why is it that we point at our healthcare which is the best on the planet, look to the crumbling systems around us that are government run, and we are somehow stupid or arrogant enough to go, "Hey that's a great idea, we can make that work!" You know how we'll pay for it? Raise taxes, fix prices, and ration care via waiting lists.

Doctors don't go into private practice as a general practitioner now because there is no money in it because Medicare and Medicaid can't afford to reimburse them what their actual expenses and costs are. Nurses leave after 5 years at rates of around 34% because of job dissatisfaction often associated with excessive patient loads, long shifts often lasting 12 and sometimes 16 hours, and too little pay. We have ever accelerating shortages of nurses and Dr's and it will only get worse when unrealistic price controls further drive down reimbursement and pay for healthcare workers and where will you be when you can't find someone to write you for your morphine and no one to give it to you? But don't worry, the "wealthy" who can afford to pay for it like Barack and Hillary won't be with the little people on the lists so go ahead and admire them. Blindly hand them your life, health, and freedom because you get a tingly feeling all over when you hear about great new social spending without good resluts.

3. He's somehow gonna be the new savior of the poor. Ya know, social security, medicare, medicaid, foodstamps, welfare checks, government subsidized housing, government ran schools, the list goes on of the "feel-good," money soaking social programs that were supposed to save us all and pull the poor out of the gutter. Yet we still have poverty. Mind you poverty in America where you still have a roof over your head, A/C in your house, at least one car, not wanting for food, and suffering with basic cable and dial up internet access... doesn't compare to real poverty around the world where people die from starvation and plagues.

Between medicare, medicaid, and social security alone for the 2008 Federal budget we the taxpayers are shelling out over 1.2 TRILLION dollars that's 40% of the total budget. Yet every year those budgets run in the red and every year those budgets expand. It really doesn't seem to me that more social programs, with ever more spending, to make more people DEPENDANT on the governement does anything to poverty but EXPAND and GENERATIONALIZE it. To top it off when you keep taking more and more tax from people who earn a paycheck to pay for these programs it sorta seems to me that you might just be pushing us closer to poverty which sorta defeats the purpose. But hell I'm just a stupid southerner who's probably just an ignorant racist bastard who likes seeing people starve and die on the side of the street. I'm sure Obama has this great new shiney social program that we can spend money on that'll work this time where all the others from the New Deal to the Civil Rights era have failed miserably. But just to make sure we'll probably fund it for a few decades plus keep the ones already existing in place, just to you know give it a good chance.

So to sum up we've got 1. patting terrorists on the back and appologizing for stepping on their toes as we turn tail and run. Oh don't worry I'm sure they won't chase us back home. 2. actually turning our healthcare system into a system where people truly can't get taken care of and the whole infrastructure falls apart due to lack of money because of huge cost overruns. But don't worry here either because we'll all feel better since we're all getting the same shitty care (well except the rich who still pay for it on their own and Barack and Hillary of course). and last but not least 3. we're supposedly going to give it another go at ending poverty "for the children." Umm, not really sure how, but I'm sure we'll come up with some cool new name of our new grand social money sponge that does a whole lot of nothing but drive down the average American's quality of life due to the extra money being taken out of their paycheck to not quite cover the costs of this program so we leave plenty of room for a reason to up it's budget (and your taxes) the next year.

FUN! I'm so psyched if this guy just presented three great "new" ideas in a presumptive acceptance speech I can't wait to see all the "great" hope and change and hope in the future and a change for future hope he has to offer once he sweeps on in to that oval office. Where do I sign up to vote for this guy?!

I just can't understand why so many intelligent people can allow themselves to get all caught up in feel-good politics completely ignoring its repurcussions. All for the apparent sake of being able to say "look at me! I care!" I'm not racist because I voted for a black man. Or I'm not a sexist because I voted for a woman. I care about the poor because I'm willing to vote for someone who's going to bring more of the same to Washington... huge, wasteful programs, and the promise of new taxes none of which actually focus on the cause of the problems the programs claim to try to patch. It's like going to your doctor him telling you you have diabetes and charging you $150 for the visit but not giving you advice on diet and exercise or any medication to help with the disease.
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