(no subject)

Jan 09, 2006 21:56

Hey y'all. Life is, as usual, going positively nowhere, but I suppose that's better than negatively nowhere. The holidays have come and gone, and everyone is hesitantly and begrudgingly returning to their lives. Me, my life involves slow gina and a trans am (heh, I wish!) Actually, I've been working to get up earlier and earlier to prepare for school, and have been working a slight, eensie bit longer to make up for money lost... er, I mean, well spent over Christmas. So that's what's new.

Something... I don't know what... got me into the whole eBay thing. Which explains why, despite my fervent efforts to work at my mind-numbingly asinine job, my bank account has yet to bounce back to it's former strength. If I were going to describe it's strength it's terms someone with a brain your size could understand... I would say my bank account was at Don Knotts strength before December 21st, and is now at Anrie Stang strength (hey, Don Knotts could pistol-whip your ass back in his Andy Griffith days... Arnie can just stand by selling pretzels and gawking like an idiot). So far I've purchased a copy of Taiko Drum Master, a set for Guitar Hero (which came today BUSTED and must be returned), and a Dreamcast and like seven games (Samba De Amigo!). I... must... stop! I mean, I want to move out eventually, right?

That reminds me: until I have adequate funds, and have a gut feeling that the time is right, I will NOT be moving out. So simmer, k? Unlike many people my age, I do not have a burning urge to get away from the "suffocating atmosphere" created by my parents. And the fact that I come home when they request, and don't sneak out or anything means I respect them. So there's that.

If you want to see the purest crap on television, turn on the Sci-Fi channel. If it's a movie the channel itself has created, and more often than not, if it isn't, you will be in for the cinematic equivalent of cow pies. Sure, they're funny, but you don't want to get any on ya.

I've seen The Producers 4 times now. I intend on seeing it many more, if no decent movies come out. Speaking of which, I assume most of you out there have heard of Uwe Boll? This wanna-be Ed Wood has produced some grade-Z, critically panned, universally despised cinematic poo-doo such as House of the Dead, Alone in the Dark, and most recently, Bloodrayne. Now, I realize that most people don't want to see these movies, hell, I know I don't. But here's the kicker: this man, while a mentally retarded turtle with a busy schedule behind the camera, is a genius. Apparently, until very recently, there was a loophole in German tax law that reimbursed filmmakers for their losses if their movie is unable to make it's budget back. This is some crazy, Springtime For Hitler-like scheme that has worked and is set to work for his next three films (if you haven't seen the trailer, you owe it to yourself to see the pain that is his Dungeon Siege movie). The only way to stop him from making money is by SEEING HIS FILMS! Let's go see the horrible crap that is Meatloaf as a baron vampire that is surrounded by whores (yes, Dr. Boll hired actual whores instead of actresses... they cost less!)

As far as videogames go, I've been playing Shadow of the Collosus, Mario and Luigi Partners in Time, and Sonic Rush. All of them are quite delicious, and I recommend them highly. ...there you go.

I don't know what else to say. Cram it, world?
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