Some things (again)

Dec 19, 2012 00:55

Firstly - I want to apologize for my complete lack of dedication to the December Meme of Doom --- this current bout of depression  has really knocked me on my ass in terms of productivity. I'm like a hibernating bear (or a lion): I lounge under blankets watching hours of Community and then have bizarre spurts of energy for weird projects that don't make sense .... like - for example, attempting to construct an entire dress - without a pattern - until midnight last night***. Or screencapping and creating ridiculous gifs of Candice Accola reading Caroline/Rebekah fanfiction  :::

*** I nearly succeeded, btw - one more night of furious sewing machine attackery and Kelsey will have a Christmas dress to flaunt.

Second, I never talk about work - but it's been really stressful lately and I pretty much walk around the office on the verge of a nervous breakdown. (One of the three jobs I possess at the moment. They do *not* pay me enough by half.)

Third  -  due to the amount of end-of-the-year memes going around, the Love Resolution will go live the day after Christmas. This is a bit later than expected - but I think it will work out for the best. Also - see #1 & 2 ... or go to upupa_epops's I want YOU comment!ficathon if you are looking for something fun to do. ((Sorry I haven't stopped by yet, sweetie! I *want* to but... #life)

Fourthly - I think I ship Annie/Abed. Someone should join me in this.

Also: Here's my year in review -->

[Cut for length / personal info ]
This year (in a completely ridiculous and non-linear bullet-point list)::
  • decided to join the Peace Corps
  • had a complete mental break down
  • and decided to get a therapist
  • got a therapist
  • was forced to recognize/acknowledge that my boyfriend of five years was abusive
  • in part because of a lovely St/Elena fic by Marta (thank you, darling  -  for handling abuse so delicately and honestly)
  • was forced to deal with the fact that my boyfriend of five years was abusive
  • completed three group therapy classes
  • got evicted
  • moved
  • got an internship at a book review
  • was adopted by the couple who runs the review (and her 12yr old daughter)
  • lost my mind from the stress of the new house/roomie/therapy all combined
  • started standing up for myself
  • moved again
  • gave up my two black labs and black kitty
  • cried
  • got used to living alone
  • still slowly adjusting to living alone/with strangers
  • went to Slayage
  • had my first adult traveling adventure
  • lost three of my closest friend my entire social network  -  my three closest friends, my family, my softball team, my roommates, all of their friends (whom I took care of / fed on a weekly basis)
  • found a friend
  • lost that friend
  • started dating fooled around with a coworker and remembered parts of myself I forgot
  • fell in love with the Doctor
  • lost Amy Pond
  • wrote and completed my first long piece for tvd_bigbang
  • am super proud of this piece
  • have written more fic than ever in my life put together
  • actually branched into a new fandom (kpop RPF) and wrote male-perspective, gender-swap, ot3 fic for the first time, all at once
  • found tumblr
  • in which tumblr now breaks my heart on a daily basis
  • reconnected with my father
  • was hurt... (again and again)
  • told my father to stop contacting me... (again)
  • worked at the Writing Center on campus
  • which I loved more than I thought I would
  • worked four jobs during the semester
  • worked so much I got sick and couldn't get out of bed for several days
  • almost lost faith in my thesis
  • regained faith in my thesis
  • water, rinse, repeat
  • was accepted to SW/TX
  • gone through at least three personal styles
  • completely sucked myself into tVD fandom
  • and Infinite fandom
  • and Victorious fandom
  • have never been happier with fandom
  • started a podcast 
  • omg I have a podcast
  • found and lost my heart to Alias
  • had some of the greatest discussions re: the human condition, fandom, language, social anxiety, depression, etc. of my LIFE
  • started making graphics/icons with intense devotion and interest
  • finished knitting my first sweater
  • attended Stitches
  • other things that I have forgotten
[EDIT]:: Some things that I forgot::
  • pierced my tongue
  • put four other holes in my ears (a second piercing in each lobe and an industrial bar in my left ear)
  • Saw Wicked on stage for the first time
  • started and stopped a 5k program three five times
  • my BFF got engaged (and I may actually be in the wedding this time)
  • spent too much money online shopping - but acquired a giga-pet for the first time in my life
  • did a gender-swap casting of Star Wars
  • went to my first Steamstock event - and danced, danced, danced
  • remembered that I love to dance
  • created my own soup and chili recipes
  • visited Seattle for the first time in years - and reconnected with HS friends
  • discovered poetry

This year has been heavy on the hard and sad - I'm super tired. I was hoping that this semester would be easier. RL has been incredibly rude this year, is what I'm saying.

But I'm so grateful for you. Every one of you. Seriously. I have made so many friends on lj this year. And have grown so much closer to my flist as it was last December. You have been here through all of the drama. All of my heartache and the moving and the loss - this place has remained such a solid, loving place for me. I have shared so much in the past year.

So thank you for this year. If we are new friends, do not think that I appreciate or love you any less. If we've been friends for a while, chances are I've become much more attached to you in the past year. In many ways, my fandom interests have changed - but I like to think that I just expanded my interests because you all affected me with your love and enthusiasm so much. Seriously, it is because of you (and also I blame Alias on my fangirl-wifey in NY ... but trust me when I say - she's a podcast girl not an lj girl, but her heart and mind are the same and she would fit in so well here) that I found and loved so many new things this year. I fell in love with Alex Russo and Jade West and Nam Woohyun and Dean Winchester and Abed because you took the time to share your love with me and let me in.

So thank you. So much.

For being here, for listening, for being so supportive. But mostly - for being so gleeful and passionate about your loves and interests. Getting swept up in new things made this otherwise very difficult year a delightful one in so many ways. 

flist hearts, real life meets the internets, meme?

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