This is just for the sake of smiles

Dec 14, 2012 02:53

The following conversations happened yesterday while I was working the desk at the library::

Conversation the first::

Girl (directed towards friend): I mean - why do guys like video games so much?
Me (completely interrupting): Excuse me? I'm a girl. And I love gaming.
[strange looks exchanged]
Me: No really, you just have to find the kind you like.
[pause and indistinct agreement]
Me: Oh! You should ask for Fable. Just say-- Hunny, I think we should play Fable together
Girl: Oh, he's leaving me with Fable 2 over the weekend b/c my brother just gave me his old XBOX
Me: [incoherent squee until they walk away laughing]

Conclusion:: Invisible BOYFRIEND IS A BOSS. Bravo, sir. Bravo.

Conversation the second:

Girl #1: Who is that on your shirt?
Me: [looks down] Oh! [laughs] Infinite (...?)
Girl #1: [semi-shocked look] They're super cute
Me: I just love them.
Girl #1: [smiles]
Me: I told my girlfriend on facebook that I think they have the best rap-line
Girl #1: I think all the rap lines sound the same
Girl #2: [is standing behind #1 in line and has the biggest, doofiest smiles on her face]
Me: [directed to both girls] I just think Hoya and Dongwoo are the best.
Girl #1: [noncommittal murmur about rap]
Girl #2: [smile gets broader]
Me: Anyway, my friend said I shouldn't say things like that in public, because of the G-Dragon/TOP fans
Girl #1: Their fans are scary
Me: I really just don't think they'll ever tour in the States
Girl #1: They're getting really popular [shrugs hopefully]
Girl #2: [can't hold back any longer, busts into conversation like I was hoping she would] Like Big Bang did in LA
Girl #1: Yeah!
Me: Yes! You know, a couple of girls who work here went to that concert.
[both girls groan with jealousy]
Me: I was supposed to go to the 2NE1 concert in August, but my roomie went without me
[more groans - these of sympathy]
Girl #2: Maybe next time

Conclusion: Everyone is insta-friends in my world

There may have also been a convoluted conversation with a boy that has adopted me as his noona (seriously though, a grandpa-child that takes care of everyone and is SUPER PLEASED that I'm sticking around for next semester, because he NEVER, EVER asks people for advice, but wants me to read all of his papers and look at his schedule and... *pats him* child is a child of love) and our supervisor about fanfiction, 50 Shades, art, video games, and Kelsey's ridiculous writing habits.

Everyone should work in a library.

This is a post of smiles because I love you all. Thank you for existing.

Tell me: what was the most delightful conversation that you had this week? I need all the anecdotes about shiny, smiley things!

flist hearts, random thought, trolls'r'us, kpop: ruins lives, real life meets the internets

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