Share the Love

Dec 01, 2012 13:36

So I've been having this idea swirling around for a while in my head and I've been waiting for the perfect time to post this. After this week's tVD disaster and the internet / half my flist is dealing with the trauma (and the other half is wondering what the hell happened) ....
.... and anyway - - -  I think that we need some love.

In the spirit of ( Read more... )

flist hearts, dragon: gold, trolls'r'us, love exchange

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Comments 27

penny_lane_42 December 1 2012, 23:08:43 UTC

I'm not sure about the logistics of it--give me some time to think on it. But as an idea it is flawless!


kwritten December 2 2012, 01:00:50 UTC
I'm so very glad!

I also am still pondering the logistics - a meme - set up would be really personal and would keep each flist to itself. But could easily be taken up by multiple comms and possibly reach more people?

But a separate comm would keep everything together and organized & more easily accessible for following years? And then we could have like a monthly check-in thing, like a bigbang comm?

I don't know... I just know I'm glad you like it!


vergoldung December 1 2012, 23:26:27 UTC

... )


kwritten December 2 2012, 01:01:36 UTC
I'm so glad you think so!!!!


local_max December 1 2012, 23:54:19 UTC
I like it -- I always feel awkward about posting about things that I'm not sure my flist is already interested in.


kwritten December 2 2012, 01:07:40 UTC

This was one of the reasons why I started thinking about this. I really *love* it when my flist exposes me to something new, but not everyone has to time to pick up ALL the things! And not everyone is going to open up unless they feel like there's going to be a conversation afterwards.

I'm so glad you like the idea. Maybe I can convince you to give LOST another shot?


eilowyn December 2 2012, 02:00:46 UTC
I love this idea! I'm not sure if it should be a meme or a community, though. I'd be happy to make some banners as we get closer to New Years's! And I kind of forgot I was going to watch Alias. Forgive me?


kwritten December 2 2012, 02:09:58 UTC
YEAY FOR BANNERS!!!! I love banners.

And you!!!

((You are forgiven! If you forgive me for leaving the first disk of Homeland on my dresser and ignoring it??))


eilowyn December 2 2012, 14:59:36 UTC
Okay, I have ~thoughts. My recommendation would be a meme like this, where everyone can start their own thread, with a list of stuff they'll do for love. My list would go something like this (this excludes Alias, btw):

- I'll watch a season of any TV show if someone will watch the first season of Arrested Development
- I'll make a picspam of any character if someone will make me a picspam of Buffy and Dawn.
- I'll force myself to write a 1000 word ficlet on the characters/fandom of your choice (if it's within my listed fandoms) if someone will write me a ficlet about Bonnie, Caroline and Elena babysitting Jeremy back in middle school.

Then underneath that comment, people would take you up on your offer.

penny_lane_42 says she'll watch the first season of Arrested Development if Lexi watches fluffy k-drama of her choice from Lauren's list of k-dramas.

gryfndor_godess says she'll make a Buffy and Dawn picspam if Lexi will make a Dean and Bela picspam.

upupa_epops says she'll write Bonnie/Caroline/Elena babysitting fic if I'll write her some Delena porn (which will be ( ... )


kwritten December 2 2012, 19:31:35 UTC
This was def what I was thinking!!!


lutamira December 2 2012, 05:31:16 UTC
This is a great idea, and I can definitely see myself participating in this, although I don't have any fantastic ideas about how to set it up other than as a normal com/exchange paradigm, with possibly higher security than most if actual addresses and things are being exchanged.

Really great idea! :)


kwritten December 2 2012, 19:28:50 UTC

Yeay! I'm so glad you want to be on board!!!


lutamira December 4 2012, 14:20:24 UTC
Totally. Although the more I think about it, the more it seems like it ought to be a community rather than a meme - for purposes of tagging, and easier follow-up (you post that picspam you promised, and everyone who is following the com sees it in their feed, rather than having to go back to the meme thread to check. (I suppose you can follow comment threads and get notifications of updates, but that seems more difficult to me - like I might not want to know every time someone makes a new comment, but I do want to know when they post something of import.) Plus, with tagging abilities, you could sort posts and find out that two people were requesting friends watch Twin Peaks, or what have you.



kwritten December 5 2012, 04:15:03 UTC
I really think it'd work best as a comm. All of the tagging and group posting possibilities really appeals to me as part of the sharing element.

I may need formatting assistance when I do the exchange-post. ((I am skating by in lj-land, the quirks still freak me out a little.))


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