Share the Love

Dec 01, 2012 13:36

So I've been having this idea swirling around for a while in my head and I've been waiting for the perfect time to post this. After this week's tVD disaster and the internet / half my flist is dealing with the trauma (and the other half is wondering what the hell happened) ....
.... and anyway - - -  I think that we need some love.

In the spirit of the year ending and a new year beginning - I thought that we could all take the opportunity to start a new tradition (or at least try this idea on for size) and create a fandom New Year's Resolution.

This year, let's do a Love Exchange!!!     
We are here - most of my flist is, anyway - for an open exchange of love. We are fans who think deep thoughts and write beautiful words about the things that we unabashedly love things together. And we are bonded by certain things that we all love - we found each other through mutual love.

But there are things that we love and don't share. Things that we watch, read, listen to, and love that we don't talk about here - either because there are other places of love and sharing for us. Or because it's something just for us that we didn't ever think to share.

This following year, let's give a little back to each other. Let's exchange love.

One thing that you love in exchange for one thing that someone else loves. As a year-long project, that way no one feels overwhelmed or stressed by the implications of taking on something new. It's a New Year's Resolution of Sharing and Exchanging Love and Squee.

((For example: I have in the past couple of months "traded" a season of Homeland for a season of Alias with Lexi and a season of Skins for a season of Victorious with Doris.))

What's one thing that you love lots and lots and would love to squee about with someone, but no one else watches/reads/knows about it? Let us know! And we'll spend next year sharing and loving what our flisties love.

I'm not sure how to set this up exactly - a meme that you post to your own feed might be the best way to go. But if any of you are in comms that would be interested in sponsoring some sort of comment-a-thon that could get more people involved, that would be lovely, too!!!

Do we like this idea, do we hate it - do we feel overambitious? Should I create it's own comm for this? Give me feedback!

flist hearts, dragon: gold, trolls'r'us, love exchange

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