Some things

Oct 30, 2012 13:37

++ I'm slowly making my way through the trick or treats - I haven't forgotten you! I'm just ridic-busy and I've only got a few minutes here and there to devote to to this ridiculous project I should NOT have dedicated myself to

++ Plugging away at my tvdfic_exchange like a good little human
          --- which leads me to my third point

++ Stupid Chinese Asian  ( Read more... )

flist hearts, dragon: gold, trolls'r'us, kpop: ruins lives, real life meets the internets

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fluffyfrolicker October 30 2012, 20:50:34 UTC
++ Also I have a SHINY idea for New Years - like a fandom/flist Resolution party in which we share love. Keep a look-out for updates!

sounds fantastic ♥

++ Also I love you all like pancakes


kwritten October 30 2012, 22:07:09 UTC
Omg. Now I'm hungry!!


fluffyfrolicker October 31 2012, 00:12:07 UTC
I KNOW ME TOO. I shouldn't have posted that picture :D


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