++ I'm slowly making my way through the trick or treats - I haven't forgotten you! I'm just ridic-busy and I've only got a few minutes here and there to devote to to this ridiculous project I should NOT have dedicated myself to
++ Plugging away at my
tvdfic_exchange like a good little human
--- which leads me to my third point
++ Stupid Chinese Asian boys should NOT say things like this while I'm trying to write DElena smut:
"if I could be hugged to sleep ud be invaluable"
"I probably need to be tied down b4 that happens"
++ And then my heart fell on the floor
++ So I trolled tumblr and stared at gif like this for a few hours to calm down::
++ In other news, tumblr exists to break my heart
++ Also anyone else who wants a
fic-gift in the month of December - don't hesitate to go back and keep prompting me shiny things ((I'm calling you out, Lauren, for not completing your prompt))
++ I'm here to beg any and all of you for an AO3 invite so that my
tvd_bigbang Anna-fic won't be so lonely! (And also because I've literally produced 20,000+ words since mid-August, which basically means to me I can leave fanfic-dot-net behind. It was such an experiment - a: Kelsey doesn't write fanfic for serious! ... and now I can't stop so I should probably move up in the world...)
Marta for Queen of Everything!!!
++ Also I love you all like pancakes
++ Also I have a SHINY idea for New Years - like a fandom/flist Resolution party in which we share love. Keep a look-out for updates!