Shiny fun faces #7 ... and some meta

Jun 20, 2012 20:19


Sansa = love

I pretty much am just in LOVE with this girl and her beautiful, fierce self. Everything about this was fun to create because she is just so.... AWE

Elena circa Season Three

This is basically the first and last time that we've seen Elena - and a lot of her development in S3 ... and then I got the Jonny Cash song "Hurt" stuck in my head and decided that pic!spam = meta right now

DElena (only S1&2 - made for my Pants, who is unable to watch S3 until Netflix stops being a weanie)

I've been in such a S3-place, I decided to take time out and look at DElena in the first seasons. I love them because they are just the most lovely friends. The most lovely, fucked up, crazy, hurtful friends of all time. And I wanted to take the time out to look at Damon carrying Elena - because upupa_epops is my tVD-hero and she likes to talk about how Damon is only *allowed* to pick up the pieces - he is always late, he is never the hero, he can only carry Elena when she is already broken... so I made this to express that. And also to challenge the idea that Damon = shadow and Elena = light, for me: it is far more complicated than that... sometimes even contradictory...

[EDIT] While making this, I thought of my own previous exposition of DElena (because I'm a narcissist... and also because for me, meta = fic and vise versa)::

"The Dark One was disconcerting.

The Dark One was her Release.

The Dark One was her Performance.

The world was a stage, she had grown to learn that.

The Dark One was Manipulation. Of pretending to Play along.

Of Humanity."

Katherine Pierce (also just S1&2... for the above-stated reasons)

I am in love with this woman. And Majandra Delfino's song "Bruises" I think perfectly encapsulates how I feel (I horridly want all of my favorite characters to reach the absolute depths of their darkness... and then roll around in it, glory in it until there is nothing left and then step out of it, damaged forever... but oh so lovely for it... Which is what this song encapsulates, I think... It also makes clear that one's darkness can be another person - and that love can sometimes be a very dark place, which tVD expresses in spades). I love the imagery that we get of past-Katherine (which is mostly what I used) because she's so *feminine* in every possible way, but that is itself a threat - to Damon/Stefan/Elijah specifically. And I used a couple images of shadowy-Elena next to Katherine, because I like the idea of reversing that dichotomy: Katherine was really so innocent in many ways before she (fell in love with? met?) ran into Klaus and his diabolical TROLLFACE - we are told that Katherine is Responsible for so much pain, while she is truly the victim of so much. I love her. I wish there was more of her.

[EDIT] SO! On complete and utter accident, I managed to inverse the colours on the Katherine pic!spam creation in the middle of editing it, but it tickled me so, that I've decided to post that as well... what the hell, right?

In other news: I need you dear flisties to get me out of my own head before I implode!

Ask me any question! Personal/fandom-based/scholarly - I SO DON'T CARE! Request of me anything! pic!spam! fic! meta! 

iz shipper, dragon: gold, tvd: dopplegangers and bffs, got: that show about siblings, meme?

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