Shiny fun faces #6

Jun 18, 2012 08:26


My brain has not been operating as well as I'd like lately, so all I have to contribute to the world right now is: MOAR FACES!

LOST: Shannon is one of my favorite characters, she's so lovely and she shines so bright. I love the juxtaposition of her "I'm blonde and beautiful" in the midst of disaster - her body is used by the show ( Read more... )

iz shipper, dragon: gold, lost: locke has ot3s, tv, lj has a tag, pic!spam, gold glitter tears, got: that show about siblings

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Comments 2

eilowyn June 19 2012, 00:51:10 UTC
Somewhere (I think it was Twisting the Hellmouth?) I once read a fic that posited that Shannon was a Potential, and it was beautiful. On that note, I would think both Sansa and Arya are Potentials. And these are beautiful picspams (and I will never not love Shannon tanning in her bikini after just being in a plane crash).


kwritten June 19 2012, 13:14:49 UTC
Shannon is SO a Potential. Poor dear.

(and I will never not love Shannon tanning in her bikini after just being in a plane crash)



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