Fic: Moving too Fast

Jan 18, 2012 19:16

Title: Moving too Fast
Fandom: Once Upon a Time
Characters/Pairings: Emma, Mary Margaret
Rating: PG
Prompt: 'You do have my chin.'
Written for: Bechdel Test Comment Ficathon 2.0
Summary: Sometimes the worst things for you, can be the best things


Such a subtle thing. A word. A taste. A smell that can sometimes knock you over.

Emma doesn't eat breakfast. Never has had a fondness for breakfast foods. Cold leftover Chinese takeout is possibly the best she can do. Eating it with chopsticks right out of the paper container, leaning over the sink in Old Navy cotton panties and an old ratty t-shirt.

Mary Margaret eats breakfast every morning. Sitting still at the table, taking in the day with long, deep breaths. She loves eggs and pancakes and sausage. Sometimes all there will be is fruit juice and a bagel, or even a simple bowl of cereal (always too sugary, always too childish to admit to other people).

At first, Emma attempts to sneak out like a mystified teenager, skulking past Mary Margaret's straight back and shoulders, facing the window and breathing in the coffee. After a week or so, she finds herself waking up early, standing in the kitchen with a large cup of coffee and talking about slow, morning topics before grabbing a piece of fruit and rushing out the door. There's always a place for her set at the table, there's always an extra pancake, an extra serving of eggs, a bagel ready and waiting. But they feel like slowing down and Emma can't afford to not rush past them.

One morning, while pouring her coffee and murmering to Mary Margaret good morning, she sees out of the corner of her eye - two bowls and a box of Peanut Butter Captain Crunch on the table. Mary Margaret busies herself with setting out milk, slicing an apple, and pouring her own cup of coffee. Emma watches her sit down and reach for the box, Mary Margaret peeks over her shoulder and winks at her bashfully.

And then for the first time, Emma sits at the table for breakfast.

She feels as though she's moving in slow motion, she itches to grab a handful of dry cereal to munch on her walk to the station, to leave behind the painfully slow, almost completely still moment that is breakfast.

"If I don't start my day with breakfast, I feel like I'll just keep going so fast... that there won't be a moment in my day to stop and take a breath."

Emma stares hard at her empty bowl.

Mary Margaret sighs, "And sometimes I just want Cap'n Crunch." She closes her mouth over a large spoonful and bites down into the crunchy substance with a look of absolute glee.

Emma resists the urge to laugh, it comes out as a half-cough, half-chuckle... then, after only a last moment's hesitation, pulls the box towards her and pours the cereal into her bowl.

The sound of crunching cereal, clinking cuttlery, of half-laughs, and murmered, unfinished jokes fill the morning air.

Breakfast isn't silence and stillness. Breakfast is full and light and movement.

After cleaning up, both women face the door, square their shoulders, and set their chins. Another day has just begun.

flist hearts, fic happens here

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