Title: In our next life
Fandom: Glee
Characters/Pairings: Rachel/Quinn
Rating: PG
Prompt: Instead of rushing towards the skyline | I wish that I could just be brave
Written for:
Bechdel Test Comment Ficathon 2.0 Summary: Rachel receives a txt on the road
New York would be on the horizon at any moment. It seemed wrong to see the setting of the rest of her life while surrounded by the sound of Kurt snoring and the various smells of harried and exhausted transit passengers of dubious moral character. Rachel wrinkled her nose and leaned her forehead delicately against the window of the bus.
Wrong, and somehow right, to be yearning for the future while in this cesspool. Because it meant that she had done it alone. Because it meant that her dads weren't there to protect her. Because it meant that the future had already started.
In her lap, her pink-gem incrusted phone buzzed.
Break a leg! See you in a week or so? I can't wait to visit! -Q
Rachel smiled brightly and straightened her shoulders. Smelly or no, the future looked bright.