New things... and Faithy-thoughts

Jul 31, 2011 15:42

Just a quick update:

(1) Since lj has been acting wonky and my flist seems to be overwhelming me with doomsday predictions, I've moved over to a blogspot address. (I also enlisted myself on Ravelry and will *hopefully* actually start writing about my knitting adventures - it forces me to knit AND to write....)

Basically this accomplishes two things: a) I'm now prepared for the lj apocalypse which everyone seems to be predicting and b) I'm determined to allow Google to be in charge of my entire life, and this is one of the many moves I will make to allow this to happen. The downside of blogspot is that community is not written into the fabric of the website, and that's why it's only my back-up. The upside is that I can have multiple streams linked to my name... so that novel that I'm writing? Can have it's own page, which me-likey. (I tried tumblr and it confused the hell out of me and the idea of paying for dreamwidth just irks me so... google is my hero).

So, I will try to cross-post as much as possible, but my quasi-lurker status on my flist will probably become even more so. I love you all like you don't know (seriously ladies, you are the flist to beat all flists!) - but I feel is just what's in the cards for me right now. Something about being so isolated will hopefully get me to start writing more - because I need to write more... this whole experiment (pre-fandom) was to replace my hand-written journaling (Mormon training, hear me roar) with online journaling. This did not go as planned... now I have no true "journal" anywhere. Maybe blogspot will help me with this.

(2) I finished Twin Peaks last night and it was AMAZING!!! The end was exactly the amount of "wtf" that I wanted and god do I want more. I'm going to start a re-watch soon and will (hopefully) be posting notes similar (though less snarky) to my SPN notes. After a second go-around, I think fics will start bubbling up. I don't consider myself very good at writing fic - and I have no beta - but .... *sigh* Audrey Horn is my hero and I can't not try to figure out for myself what happens to her next. So look forward to that!!!

(3) I had some thinky-thoughs about Faith the other day with my knitting friend, which I posted to my blogspot late last night
In having a conversation the other day about Faith vs. Buffy (focusing primarily on season three since I am trying to keep up with the GAKS's podcast ) I had the following thoughts:

  • Faith is set up, not necessarily as the dark Slayer, but more as the lower-class Slayer (vs. Buffy who is obviously middle class). But what is odd is that the clothing, which is the key feature in determining difference between the two girls, are actually VERY similar to Buffy's own clothes in S1. All that bad leather and dark colors, it's like we're getting a repeat of Buffy rather than the reverse of her.

  • Faith's class status lead me to think about:

  • Family/Community as a human need... Buffy's constant ability to avoid death is because of her ties to the Scoobies. She is the longest lasting Slayer because of her emphasis on community. In all Whedon's works, community and family are necessary to human survival. Faith doesn't have this basic human need. And what we see of her in S3 (along with what we will later see in Spike, to a degree, and even possibly Andrew and Jonathan) is that humans will go (in this 'verse) to great lengths to find and keep any semblance of family. The Mayor is Faith's downfall because he gives her exactly what she deserves: a sense of community. If she has to lie, steal, cheat, and kill in order to keep the feeling of safety that the Mayor provides, she will. It's not a matter of choosing evil over good, but rather the safety of a relationship over the fear of being alone.

  • And my final point:
  • The main difference between B and Faith is what makes them so similar: their complete dependence on perception and performance. Faith wants people to think she is selfish and Buffy wants people to think she is selfless. That's it, people. That's what divides them. Neither is more selfish or selfless than the other. It's that Buffy is selfless in front of others... she makes big speeches and big appearances and makes big actions that others can see. But B is selfish in the dark, where no one can see. Faith is the opposite.

  • I find this all fascinating, to say the least.

    In conclusion: Faith is my S8 hero. Seriously. There's something about her presence in S8 that really... made her into my favorite character. Before, Faith was just another 'verse character with an interesting arc - and if someone didn't like her I was all "cool - I get that". NOW? Post-S8? She's my girl and I'll argue for my love of her until I'm blue in the face.

    My new home.... away from home. Come visit sometime.

    If/When the Sunset novel gets it's very own webpage - I'll let you all know. Once that happens, I probably won't cross-post Tehya over here. It belongs in a separate space.

    btvs is flawed, dragon: fire, tp: i heart audrey horn, real life meets the internets

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