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kwritten December 25 2014, 13:51:40 UTC
Sorry you/Thailand have to break up, man.
Yeah... me too. I'm more upset about it all the time.

I wound up feeling totally Betrayed by the narrative
I walked in the first time BETRAYED by the Narrative (and also - freshly disgusted with the fact that it was the Narrative my entire life up until that point had been aiming me towards) (ETERNAL LIFE ALEX DO YOU EVEN UNDERSTAND THE UNDERLYING MORMON BULLSHIT THAT THESE BOOKS REPRESENT) I didn't even give Bella a chance. So I finished book one today (for the second time) and I'm going to plug through. I know the Narrative will betray my love. But I'm going to hold on to Bella for as long as I can this time.

Sassy minx.

So… I’m in a weird place where I’m not on either the anti-Twilight bandwagon of White Feminism but nor can I personally say the series was a good experience for teenage!me. I can understand other young women feeling empowered by that ending; I wasn't one of them.
Yeah... I'm sort of in a "Bella is fab, too bad about the books tho" ... which is where I also stand on Clary and lots of other female characters.

even if I find a fictional woman repugnant I’m still glad she exists
(... like I can't even think of any fictional females that I dislike even on a personal level? I HAVE THE HARDEST TIME WITH THIS. I need someone to give me an example.)

it’s not the job of rl women of colour to root for white female protagonists

Totally and completely valid.

(Is the merit-making trip over? How did it go? I just lost my Thai girlfriend to a merit-making trip into Tibet for about a week and a half and was despondent that she was gone.)

Also if you haven't seen Begin Again please go watch it because I think you'll understand my obsession with it.


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