Random Thought #2 (undeveloped)

Nov 22, 2009 21:08

Over the weekend while with my Baby I had several thinky thoughts that I need to develop eventually::

(1) In "Lie to Me" BtVS Season 2, Ford only is able to experience the Real when he filters it through (language) but primarily through fictional narratives. How he creates his reality, is completely based on fictions, and he is aware of it.

(2) Buffy - Willow - Xander triangle: the point of desire (at least in the first three seasons specifically) is constantly switching... Yeay triangles!

(3) Think about how the Other is pushed onto Lafeyette (aka homosexuality) in True Blood vs. "joy of sexuality" as he is depicted in the novels. (note to self: read the novels!)

.... but I can't deal with this now, because I work at 730 and last night I got a grand three hours of sleep!

btvs is flawed, polyamory

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