Funke thinky-thoughts #1

Nov 13, 2009 20:08

I'm struggling because I want to write a paper on Cornelia Funke's Ink books for the SW/TX conference in February, but I'm not sure what I want to write about yet...

(1) I love Dustfinger, I think he is by far the most interesting character I've read in a very long time. I *heart* Dustfinger and though it would depress him, I'd love for him to walk into my living room one day. (Though I just googled and discovered the actor Paul Bettany plays Dustfinger in the film, and this depresses me. Not that Bettany isn't a fine actor- but I saw Dustfinger more... Brawny I guess... definitely darker and rugged and shorter or something.) And anyway, I'd love to write something on him, but I don't know exactly what. Perhaps wax poetics about how sexy he is? hmm...

(2) I love the religious (specifically Christian) symbolism and plot techniques that are used in the novels. Author as God, living in his own creation (my fave concept of the novels); Resurrection and martyrdom; etc.

(3) But I just discovered last night (and partially through conversation today) that voice - specifically the female voice versus the male voice. I said earlier today:: that Meg loses her voice to the romance plot in the third novel. Interesting from a feminine author, who's God-creator is Male (Fenogoli) and then Meg... bah! There's so much with voice and power of creation and which gender can create versus which can voice language (!) that I don't even know where to begin.
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