[pimp] ficathon! possible bigbang! possibly the best idea EVER

Dec 29, 2013 04:34

You know what fandom never has enough of?


And I love any and all ideas to create spaces where forgotten, ignored, or genuinely beloved female characters can gain more power and have room to grow in new and interesting ways; because there's not ever going to be enough of this to keep me satisfied.

So upupa_epops has the brilliant idea to host a ficathon/bigbang that takes female characters from various fandoms and turn them into Slayers in a large cross-fandom post-Chosen Slayer-ficathon:

What I'm thinking about is: every person who decides to sign up for the challenge picks a female character from any universum that isn't Buffyverse, and writes a post-Chosen fic in which that character is activated as a slayer. The only requirement is that Willow's spell from 7x22 must take place, everything else from Buffy canon is optional. I'm thinking about a bigbang-like challenge with a smaller wordcount (let's say, a 2k minimum?), or maybe even a proper bigbang. But before I start doing anything about this, I'd like to know if there are any people who'd like to participate ;).

I think it is a brilliant idea - but before we can start, a headcount of people interested would be awesome! I know everyone is busy with the holidays and stuff, but if you are intrigued by this at all, comment here or over at slayer_bigbang's page just with a "yes this sounds interesting" so we can think about how to move forward.

I'm super excited about this. Any fandom (I'm looking at you kpop fandom) is welcome and encouraged to join!

You know how I feel about crossovers and lady-positive things! And this is going to hit all my kinks!!! And should hit some of yours

lj has a tag, fandom is my girlfriend, all the fandoms, 0/10 lj friend, slayerbang, pimp!

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