For me this is Heaven

Jun 04, 2003 20:19

Just when I thought I was getting the upper hand on understanding of Arithmacy, it gets more difficult. I can study and study, but it seems that I can never remember all of the variables and rules (with the exceptions.) I understand the fundamentals of it, but I highly doubt I will be using advanced studies of it when I finished with school. If there is someone who understands Arithmacy reading this, could you tutor me?

When my classes were over, I went and picked up Penny. I find it much easier to talk to her now that we are not pursuing a relationship. She was joking about what is had been like for her when she was young growing up in a Muggle environment. I bet that was funny, and yet somehow sad. She wasn’t able to be who she was, and for me that is one of the saddest things. Anyway, the unicorns were absolutely magical. They wouldn’t let me get too close to them, but even from afar the memory of seeing them will be with me forever. I would love to get close to pet one, but I won’t do it if they do not allow me.

Penny wanted to go to lake to think, so I told her I would too. I sat on the giant rocks and pulled out some parchment and a quill to write. We didn’t speak, because it seemed to be an unspoken rule. I looked up from my writings and Penny just stood there looking into the lake, oblivious to my voyeuristic gaze. The sun was slowly dying for the day, and a cool night breeze tossed her long hair. It was then that I realized that a few tears had fallen of my notes, and I quickly had to regain my emotions. That was better than the unicorns.
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