Open minds and broomsticks

Jun 04, 2003 00:25

It sounds as thought the scuffle that happened at the girl’s tea party yesterday has died off. I suppose there will always be rivalries with the Houses at Hogwarts much like there were when they were founded, so I just need to cautious with those I am around. I think I am pretty open with people who wish to get to know me, so that is good. I wish everyone could be that way.

As I was leaving Muggle Studies today, I saw the oddest thing. Two gold unicorns were pushing their way through the door as the Patil twins tried their hardest to keep them out. Soon, Headmaster Dumbledore showed on the scene just as I was setting my books down on the steps to go help them. After he told them they were welcome to stay on the grounds they simply left; I didn’t know unicorns understood English. Penny and I have agreed to go out for a walk after classes tomorrow to go visit them, and I hope to take a few notes on them. I have seen one white unicorn before, but a gold unicorn might be a chance of a lifetime.

Penny has said that in the light of recent choices I have made, she might not be as interested in me as I am with her. I have come to the understanding that whatever will be, will be, so I will not worry about it. Although I do have an interest in her there is an age difference that cannot be neglected.

I am ready for Quidditch to begin soon. Apparently Coach Wood (who is sadly leaving us) received a Firebolt from one of his old friends, and he was looking for someone to take his Nimbus 2002 since he would not need it any longer. I asked if I could have it and he just gave it to me if I promised to give it a good home. Thank you again Coach! If there is anyone who is looking for a Nimbus 2000, let me know, and it is yours.
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