My Life and Its Direction, or Lack Thereof

Dec 23, 2004 17:10

So, with my oh-so-profound title, there come a few stories. Most of them not too important. One really funny one. And some that are just here to let you people know what the hell I do with my free time in podunk Water Valley, Mississippi.

And now through the red tape:

1) I filed my application for a U.S. passport yesterday at the lovely Oxford United States Post Office (zipcode 38655). That was a painful process because A)It cost $85, B)They ask for your entire life, C)The form was dumb, and D)It took far too long to be of any real service (although, I have a feeling it will come in handy next year when I'm on the road to Germany, Czech Republic and Austria). Not only did it cost $85, but the attendant at the window informed me that that fee was to be split into two payments-- one of $55 and one of $30. However, I only had one check (of my mother's... I guess I really can't bitch about the money), but I didn't have a second check. Luckily, my Daddy was in the truck and he gave me $30 in cash to pay the post office. As far as asking for your entire life, the passport issuing agency requires your original, certified birth certificate (a photocopy will not suffice). What if they lose this? I will be pissed as hell. Do you know what's it's like getting a duplicate from the State Department of Health?

2) I've really been doing nothing except laying around my house watching movies. I've watched in the past two weeks: King Arthur, The Sound of Music, Mean Girls, Spider Man 2, The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, Dodge Ball, Hero, The Princess Diaries 2, and I've been to see Ocean's 12 (really good, for those of you wondering). I'm sure there are some that I can't think of right now, but my mind draws a blank.

3) I've been talking a lot to Mimi Johnson, and I've been to see John and Rick a couple times. It's been fun. I went down to Columbus a couple weekends and went Christmas shopping with Mimi and April and their mother and grandmother. I've also been shopping with my parents.

4) The funny story: I saw that four-letter-word at Wal-Mart yesterday, and he was in his dad's truck (instead of his usual car).... anyways... he saw me while he was backing out, smiled and waved at me, and then backed into the car behind him. He rolled down the window and we chatted for a couple minutes. I guess he's doing well.

5) I've sung a lot lately. I sang last week with Bruce L's church in Tupelo, and this week, I'm with him and Dr. Trott. Lots of singing tomorrow night!

6) I've written some letters to my friends overseas. I tried my hand at French this morning, but I didn't get too much in. It's rather hard, especially when you're trying to decide if has given you a good translation or not. I remember a few things from French class, but not much. I currently have penpals in Australia, Senegal, South Africa, and one in Brazil. Pretty exotic, huh? I'm hoping to start one up with a couple in Germany and Italy. That might be fun :)

7) I've almost completed all my applications for Grad school. I'm still applying to LSU, Ohio State, and Temple. Although, I'm not sure if I should or should not apply to San Francisco. What should I do? I still have to finish my resume, which has become a thorn in my side.

8) I did a system recovery on my computer at home. Mostly because my brother has downloaded porn. But I think I tried to do a little house cleaning, and I accidentally deleted some crucial things. Programs just weren't running smoothly, and things were crashing all the time. Now things are much better, except I no longer have Microsoft Office because it was installed after the purchase- by my uncle, who lives in Atlanta. We're currently working on a solution.

Well, I think this is enough for now. I can write forever, you know. And about the most stupid things ever. I just randomly ramble on about nothing.... like this.

Ok, I'm OUTIE FIVE THOUSAND for real now.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
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