Comic-Con 2011: Saturday picspam.

Aug 07, 2011 04:15

It's been a while but I finally got around to post the bunch of pics I took on Saturday. Here they are. Boy, looking at these, you'd think Saturday was puppies and rainbows for me! It was actually rabid wolves and poison gas clouds but what can you do.

Check out Freddy with some dude. I love Freddy. Back in high school, I named him as my role model in some vocational test you had to take. Needless to say I ended up having to go to the psychology department every week, but we never actually talked about Freddy. Bummer.

"Oh yeah, that opened yesterday!" Were my words when I looked at this thing. Now I'll feel guilty if I don't go see it. Crap.

I can't believe I spent five freaking hours in this line for nothing. 5 HOURS OMGWTF

Adam Savage pulling up his pants! ♥ This is the closest I'll ever be to the hottest man on Earth according to my sick taste in men.

Sea of geeks. Bonus Spidey.

Nice. I should really find out what this is.

An army of princess Leias. I'm rather short so this didn't come out too well, but judging by this I figure the Internet is not suffering from a shortage of pics.

Palpie's chair makes anyone look menacing. Is it just me, or does this guy look a little like David Tennant?

Harley and Poison Ivy!

Drunken-looking Wolvie, lol...

Jabba & Sexy Vader

Avengers and some dude.

I think I take a pic of this thing every time I come here... this has got to stop.

This pic came out terrible even though the actual figure is amazing.

The only Hatter I bumped into this year! I fear they are becoming as scarce as Klingons.

Supes and He-Man and some lady whose hands are nowhere to be seen.

Horse guy. You gotta love horseguy. Is there a show/comic book about viking centaurs I don't know about? Is he from the Narnia movies or something? IDK but I took a pic of his butt anyway.

Holy shit he looks real!!! But he's actually just wax and spandex. Jor-El is disappoint.

A great Kuroshitsuji cosplay. This was taken as I waited to be taken to Hall H. Little did I know...

If you look carefully in the background you can see a guy dressed as Jack Pumpkinhead in line for Hall H. And if you listen carefully you can hear the sound of my teeth grinding.

This is where I was sent instead. I know a lot of people would consider themselves lucky, but I've only ever watched two episodes of Airbender and frankly couldn't get into it. But now I know Aang eventually impregnates someone named Katara, so thanks for the spoiler warning, Comic-Con. :P

I also saw Joe Quesada and some Spider-man thing before this but I was so vexed ATM the memory is more like a blur of rage.

Okay, this polar bear/dog looks cool. Except for the back legs, which make no sense. But I could get into this... If only I didn't already know about Aang and Katara. Aggh!

Oh look, how nice, Justin brought us all a present...! XD

Crappy Dutch angle. I wish I were a ghostbuster.

The Fringe cast. You'd think after five hours in line I would've at least earned the right to stand still a minute in front of the crowd to take a decent picture, but no. These are all crap because security makes you move along.

Walter's John Noble's forehead. Oh joy.

People's noses. Oh, and Lance Reddick (Broyles) is also there, kind of.

I fail to remember what this guy's name is, but if I remember correctly his character is kind of a dick.

Nina and Astrid!!

Blair Brown. This is the only acceptable pic among the bunch, and I took about a dozen. Jesus H.

Some child half-dressed as Spider-man poses proudly with a severed guy's head accompanied by his gleeful family and a murderous-looking piece of man-meat. Gee, I hope his parents know Spartacus is rated R. Wait, is this even a child? I don't even. For the record, I really like this series.

The only pic I took of the Walking Dead booth this time. The hands actually moved, as if trying to force the door open.

My goodness, look at the time!!

What? "Adventure"? NO! It's GOATSE TIME!!!

Beetlejuice. I shouldn't be posting half these crappy pictures but no one's reading so it's okay.

From Homestuck, right? FS says I should check that out. I will, eventually. When the fandom is long dead and I'm left alone to pick at what's left of its carcass like some sad fandom vulture.

The most adorable doctor in the galaxy. WANT. :)

He-man wenches. Somewhere else in the universe, Frank Frazetta was dreaming this happened.

This car was plain white when I saw it on Wednesday HOLY CRAP!!!

Deadpool mingles with some SW bounty hunters.

A samurai scratching his butt in front of the TARDIS. Only at Comic-Con.

I love this booth! I love these prints! I must find out what the hell is Marmorhaus!

-Can I play the piano anymore? 
-Of course you can!
-Well I couldn't before!
*cue smooth piano riff*

IDK why I didn't take pics of the figures this time. I suck.

This was the best Luke I've ever seen. He actually looked a lot like Mark Hamill. :)

Green Lanterns.

Rorschach. I miss the good old days.

Sally and Mr. Oogie Boogie looking rather chummy. :)

Oh noes, Slender Man in mah comiconz! D:

The endless line for the Masquerade. Two guys dressed as the 11th Doctor ran down the hall making a racket. It was fun. They reminded me a lot of Fred and George from HP.

Kick-ass!! A perfect Kick-Ass, if I may say so. I normally don't ask people for pics because I'm a rude, shy person, but I sucked it up and asked this guy thinking of Jinma-chan. :D
Thank you, Kick-Ass guy, whoever and wherever you are.

When I was leaving I noticed there was this whole South Park wonderland going on outside, but they were taking the whole thing apart by then so IDK what it was all about.

And this is as close as I'll ever get to posting a pic of me here... just my feet at the end of a weary day. Until next year! :) ...Maybe.

walking dead, fandom, mad hatter, comic-con, doctor who

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