Comic-Con 2011: Preview Night

Jul 22, 2011 02:55

Back from Comic-Con but that night I had to come home to watch Spirited! This convention is so cool I shouldn't really say bad things about it, but... it's not really about comics anymore, is it? I mean, I remember when it was about comic books and it definitely wasn't like this. Plus, there's so much people even during Preview Night, it's just insane. As I mentioned before I went alone this time (third non-consecutive time I've gone alone) and as Conan O'Brien might say in jest, it's a bit like crying while masturbating. There's all this fun stuff (TOO MUCH, IMO) and no one to share the fun with, even though you're surrounded by a million zillion other geeks, as evidenced by this picture:

Yoda openly mocks me.

Oz comic book stand. I should probably buy something! But I always get everything online anyway. This guy was autographing some books. Could he possibly be Scottie Young? I should google this or I'll be as embarrassed as I was when David Mack autographed two books I bought years ago and for a moment I thought he was just some crazy guy ruining my precious books.

He-Man! Are we all quite certain that we have not traveled to some alternate universe where the 80's happened in the 10's? He-Man, Transformers, My Little Pony, The Smurfs... seriously, how can we be certain??

Very cool armor! Looks bigger in person.

Good ol' Harry Potter costumes.

What is this Spidey made of, I wonder? So light. Very slick looking. Hey, this reminds me I got an ID from OSCORP with my picture and everything at the Con. So now when everything fails I can just fall back on my old job at OSCORP... in my mind.


O...k... Somehow the "Who" after "Doctor" makes it a little hard to do. Trust who?? Just sayin'.

I wish I could scan this stuff, even if I won nothing. It makes me feel so technologically segregated.

The BBC booth! No dalek this time around, boo. But lots of wonderful brilliant useless expensive stuff! How many TARDIS t-shirts does a woman need to be happy? I already have two that I bought last year, so NO MORE. Control yourself...

Fat dalek keychain.

Moar cool DW stuff. TARDIS bobblehead. TARDIS plushie. This is such a weird object to make bobble heads and plushies out of, but evidently that's not going to stop the BBC. Hand over your wallets.

Exclusive River Song figure? I liked River Song well enough until she turned out to be... well. I just don't like Amy that much. She treats Rory like an idiot. Wonderful, sexy Rory.

Optimus Prime! This thing is HUGE! No Bumblebee this year.

Optimus' ass. I figure no one ever takes a picture of his ass. Which is odd, judging from what I've seen online. You'd think it's all people would care to take pictures of.

I didn't take my pic at the Walking Dead booth this time, nor did I take Pee-wee, which I might come to regret forever, but this time I didn't recognize the scene and I felt guilty because I haven't watched the show in ages. I am sorry, AMC. But I have been watching Mad Men, just so you know.

He's back and he's brought with him a giant, kryptonite dildo. So he probably won't be back for long.

What is this weird living room doing in the middle of the Exhibit Hall

Smurfed a pic of the smurfs movie trailer. I'm mildly smurfed about this smurfing movie for reasons that should appear smurf to those who know me. I'm fairly certain I had a favorite smurf when I was little, but I don't remember which one. First signs of old age. And I insist WE ARE TRAPPED IN A CRAPPY REMAKE OF THE 80's

Ghost Rider bike.

Alien bike?

Moar MIB3.

The WB booth. They had this clever effect with lit fog that made it look like it was on fire. Very nice. I love you, WB booth. You give so much and expect so little in return.

Siiiign! Why are you so expensive!!

Attack of the t-shirts! They're so many, this looks hitchcockianly threatening. Speaking of t-shirts, this time I only bought one thing at the Con, and that was a Han Solo t-shirt that says DAMN RIGHT I SHOT FIRST. It made me LOL when I saw someone wearing it. Comic-Con is just a huge parade of cool, funny t-shirts. The world would be a better place if everyone just wore clever t-shirts all the time.

I wore the t-shirt I made, BTW. Pics soon at the respective fandom community.

Steampunk stuff that costs its weight in gold, though none of it actually is.


Somewhere between anime girl pillows and Japanese sex dolls, you find these huge plushy things. Maybe someone's taking Spidey home for darker purposes than just making their bedroom look nice? No one's saying it, but I'm sure someone's thinking it...

Wow, I almost didn't recognize Kevin Eastman this time, and I've been longingly looking at him from afar every Con for like a decade... Because I don't have the guts to go and say MR EASTMAN PLZ AUTOGRAPH MY TMNT COMIX... I'm pathetic.

Aha! Check out Batman's costume. I particularly appreciate the lack of nipples. Wonderful.

The Joker's costume!! These are obviously from the last movie, not from TDKR. Click for better quality.

This thing was parading everywhere accompanied by a sexy Snow White. The damn thing even stepped on my foot. What is it? Who is it? Why do people love him so much?

There aren't enough walls in the world, you guys.

GTFO time.

Tarsem's Immortals!! Can't wait! Oh crap, you can't see anything but trust me, there's a sign there.

Taking a stroll on a night blissfully devoid of sexual predators. Bye bye, Comic-Con.

So that's it! I'll be going again on Saturday and/or Sunday, hopefully both. Wednesday was the Supernatural anime thing but I didn't even try to get in. I should've gotten there earlier, as it took me over two hours to get in the Exhibit Hall alone because of excruciatingly long lines. And I almost forgot to say this, but I got a Fringe bag again instead of BBT so it's safe to say fate is now openly mocking me.

Once again, if anyone's reading... if you have any requests please let me know by Friday night! :D

fandom, comic-con, doctor who

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