
Dec 20, 2022 11:55

Силлогизмы Кэррола ChatGPT не умеет решать. Что на русском, что на английском1. Мои кастрюли-единственные из принадлежащих мне вещей ( Read more... )


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conceptualist December 20 2022, 20:24:14 UTC

Я научил его правильно придумывать логические задачки. Дал для этого вот такую инструкцию.

"Let me explain how to create a good logical problem of some sort.

We need three objects, each with three properties (1, 2, 3). Each property can have three values (for property 1: A, B, C; for property 2: R, S, T; for property 3: X, Y, Z). There can be no two objects with same value of same property.

Then we reveal information. We make 3 steps here. 1. Link property 1 and property 2: the object whose property 1 is A, has R value of property 2. 2. Link property 1 and property 3: the object whose property 1 is B, has X value of property 3. 3. Link property 2 and property 3: the object whose property 2 is S, has Y value of property 3. When this is revealed, we formulate a question.

You should present the problem in less abstract manner, using instead of "property 1" something like shape, size, age, color, city, country, material, name, zoological specie and so on. And instead of A, B, R, Z please use values that properties may have.

Please create one logical problem with this approach."

И вот что он создает.

"Three friends, Rachel, Mark, and Sarah, are each asked to choose a color, a shape, and a number. They must make sure that no two friends choose the same value for any property. The colors are red, blue, and green. The shapes are circles, squares, and triangles. The numbers are one, two, and three.

We reveal the following information:
  1. Rachel's color is blue and her shape is a triangle.
  2. Mark's color is red and his number is three.
  3. Sarah's shape is a circle and her number is one.

Using this information, can you determine what color, shape, and number each friend chose?"


conceptualist December 20 2022, 22:13:49 UTC

А если попробовать заняться такими задачками с четырьмя объектами и характеристиками, то уже совсем не тянет.


kvisaz December 21 2022, 04:38:43 UTC
Это очень круто

Объяснение - новое программирование


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