questions for pals/swappers

May 11, 2006 17:48

how much do you pay to send a letter from your country?

a standard letter (up to 20 g) to europe is 0,55 and outside europe 1,25 (priority).

up to 100 g: 1,50//2,25 for europe and 2,00//3,75 for outside europe
up to 350 g: 3,50//5,25 for europe and 6,00//6,75 for outside europe
up to 500 g: 5,50//6,25 for europe and 8,00//10,75 for outside europe

the fees should be read like this: 1,50//2,25 = economy//priority

i think it is very expensive.. when we still had the schilling, the prices were almost half of it for the heavier letters!

btw, tomorrow is friday and i am off & going home to eberschwang :) yay!


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