
Jan 30, 2012 18:56

i feel so bad for being completely disconnected from here. i mean, yep i am at the computer at work all the time now. but i am so busy. argh.

i finally finished the calendar i posted a few days ago. had to do some changes people wanted to have, but in the end, i had to sit down for several hours again today. i just sent it off to have it printed. i soooo hope, i can still get a copy by tomorrow..

because I will fly home to Austria the day after tomorrow. it is really crazy. i know. i was packing up stuff last night, and seriously i am at the airport *all the time* and also i am traveling for work *all the time*, so I kind of felt like packing for an other short business trip - not for a vacation at home! In fact i will be in Austria only for 10 days (not counting 2 days that i will be sitting in planes).
It feels so unreal, i mean, going home now just because of my passport. but it is ok. i am sure i will love it, though at the moment i cannot even imagine... weird, no?!

the last weeks i have been super busy at work. and i gotta say, as much as i enjoy being busy and finally getting things done for work, i also feel exhausted and have very little time for myself at the moment... i just get home too cooked. haha.
but it feels fine for now. i just need to find a way not to drain me. the thing is (and those of you who have been friends with me for longer know that the last year my job was basically a huge IDLE loop.. argh) so I did welcome a CHANGE for once. My kind of work is sort of a consulting one, more consulting and accompanying one - so it is not really my nature of work (i am more a teamplayer and need other to generate ideas etc), so this new role is very exhaustive for me. in the end, i know i will learn a lot and so far i have been enjoying it, mostly.

not much left to say. tomorrow will be an other busy day, i am off now... and soon i will be on a break in chilly cold Austria!

update, home, nica, travel

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