Jun 14, 2006 05:34
For at least the next ten days, I have a job. And it is one HELL of a job. I'm working at a barn. But I'm not getting paid to do barn work... I'm getting paid to ride. Today I rode five different horses- two nice made horses, one in retraining to become a hunter, one 2-year-old who was in a snit because she couldn't out-bitch me, and the last a 3-year-old who thinks the world is going to eat him.
If they like me enough over the next 10 days (and I think the owner is already pleased with me- I figured out how to fix an issue that the horse in retraining was having to the jumps) they might want to keep me on for the summer. In which case, at 3-5 horses per day, I will be so bloody fit I could probably choke somebody using my thighs. Not that I'd want to, necessarily, but as an example.
Tip and I make our 3'6" debut on Friday. Wish me velcro on the seat of my pants.