Jun 11, 2005 22:05
I went fishing again today and actually caught something this time, which was a nice surprise. Of course, I ended up with both arms sunburned, but I always burn, so no matter.
My role-playing game is back on my to-do list. Though I'll need to re-write it to fit with the d20 system, it shouldn't be too hard. As long as I don't charge for it, it shouldn't get me into trouble, as it violates a few trademarks.
My stories are not making any progress, but that's fine. I've been doing other stuff to amuse myself. Like trying to sculpt my own miniature figures.
And in a twist for me, I'm going to be watching the PPV tomorrow night at a friends house with some people. I think this is only the third time this has happened out of the 60-70 I've seen. Usually everyone just comes over here.