Jan 19, 2007 11:13
Anyone got a cure for insomnia? Preferably one more reliable than alcohol? (I will drink to sleep, if I have to, but I prefer not to and half the time find that it DOESN'T EVEN BLOODY WORK!)
Another bad night's sleep with more bad dreams. This week I've slept well one night. Not good. Gray came to work to give me money to buy a can of coke though, because I didn't have any cash on me. Love that bear.
To anyone I've spoken to lately, if I forget what you've already told me, or don't react as I normally would, I'm sorry. It's because I am honestly truly exhausted and if things don't improve I'm going to have to ask for time off work just to sleep. Gray, I've forgotten things that you've told me three times. I'm sorry. It's not because I'm not paying attention.
Spoke to Andy last night, after he'd spoke to Dad, about Mum. Not much change. Still on morphine, which is at least knocking the pain back so she can think properly and get up to have a shower and eat and stuff. Still looking at coming home next week. I might go and visit her tomorrow.
Trying to type up minutes this morning from a meeting yesterday. Normally I'm very good at minutes - people tell me so, and I know this to be true in myself - and normally I'd not have a problem with someone else typing up minutes from my notes. (Not that a situation has ever arisen where that's been necessary, but if it did, not a problem.) This time, I'm having trouble making sense of my own notes. I was clearly much more tired than I thought yesterday, and I'm still tired now. Not good. Must get the minutes finished before the weekend else I'll really be buggered.
Right, back to work. May get another can of coke at lunch. I need to learn to like coffee.
Caffeinated drinks FTW.