Hello! This is a post about Glee.

Nov 11, 2010 00:12

Um. Hello. In case anyone noticed, sorry for disappearing for this long. I didn't plan to stop posting or reading my flist, it just sort of happened and then there was so much to catch up on and say that I just didn't. But I have missed you, plus I have a lot of feelings about Glee, which I need to share.

My relationship with Glee is a bit odd, because I am aware of its many flaws, and yet love it so much. The lack of any consistent plot or characterisation and the fact that so much happens behind the scenes in terms of character development, means that there is so much space for fic. And that is awesome! The season so far has had its ups and downs for me, most of the music I have really enjoyed, some of the plot direction less so. And yeah, it's really offensive at times, but there are scenes, such as a lot of the Duets episode and last night's Never Been Kissed, which have brought me so much joy and tears.That is why I am wiling to forgive a lot and explain away the rest with the help of fic. Even if most of the Glee fic out there is really terrible.

Since when does Artie want Brittany back, what the hell? Didn’t he want Tina back, that has been his entire motivation in the season so far!! Though I LOVE Mike/Tina and am glad he doesn't want to break them up anymore.

There are BATHS in the locker room, WTF? Though it’s nice to get the usual doze of shirtless Sam so early on. :)

Oh Sam, I had such high hopes for you and you started off so well, turns out you are just another douche. So disappointed. Still want Sam/Kurt, though am losing hope.

Yay Kurt and Tina are friends, I mean I assumed that, but it’s hard when there is so little interaction between them all. For all they talk about being a family, we hardly see any of that.

Santana, I don't know why I keep getting surprised at your awfulness, perhaps I have been brainwashed by your awesomeness in fic! >:( and Kurt’s face. Oh Kurt. :(((

I am not going to even ask why they are competing against completely different teams this year, because the old hipsters are going to be brilliant!

Does that mean Artie has been bullied the tire time? Or are we playing it for a joke again? Either way :(

Wow, Mr Shue, now you notice something, it only took you years. And then you presume to know what gets him down, well fuck you Will. I love Kurt’s honesty. And him simply saying he’s unhappy breaks my heart.

Ooh, are these Kurt’s sketches? Amazing! I wish Mike would say something, or Sam, or anyone. I guess Puck isn’t being exactly terrible for Puck's standards, and Artie’s remark wasn’t malicious, I don’t think, but these are supposed to be Kurt's friends. He is so isolated.

So Quinn is dating Sam, as part of her image rather than out of genuine feelings. Cool.

Oh god Artie is already an asshole, with Puck’s advice I fear where this is going, I really hope Brittany blows him off.

Wow, Kurt’s plan is to just turn up, aw Kurt. Blaine, hi Blaine, I love you already a whole lot, though Darren Criss looks better with long hair. And Kurt’s face when Blaine grabbed his hand. :DDD Slow motion running and holding of hands, oh my heart. :DDD

Omg, Tina and Mike! I wanted to see more of that, I guess they are not having sex either? Though it looks like Tina wouldn’t mind. And I am totally missing the point, but Beiste looked awesome in the ballerina outfit. But I don’t get Mike’s reaction considering he told Tina about that. Stay away from my woman is probably Mike’s best line ever. I like that neither him nor Quinn disbelief the idea that their other halves are into Beiste.

Though I don’t agree with Blaine’s advice at all, all the Darren Criss interviews have been so awesome, I can't not love him. I was totally spoiled for that conversation and was desperately hoping it would change, but Chris was brilliant and elevated the awful dialogue. I hope this isn't the advice the writers condone, but rather something Blaine feels, because of his own personal issues.

Puck and Artie, Brittany and Santana, I HATE everything about this. I am going to pretend it’s all in Puck’s and Artie’s heads, because otherwise NO. :((((

LOVE the girls mash up, they all look amazing, I love how Lea gets into the role and HeMo of course. And Kurt’s face when Blaine texts him!!! KURT'S FACE IS ON TOP OF MY 'WHY I LOVE GLEE' LIST.

Will! You were the one that said she can never find out, now you are telling her?

OH MY GOD. WOW. I KINDA SAW IT COMING, BUT STILL, GOD THE DESPERATION ON HIS FACE AND KURT’S SHOCK AND TRYING FOR SECONDS, OH MY FUCKING GOD. Poor Kurt, that is not how you want your first kiss to go. JESUS CHRIST CHRIS COLFER, IF YOU DON’T GET AN EMMY FOR THIS. (and to the people that now ship Kurt/Karovsky, wtf is wrong with you?)

Will, it’s kinda your fault she quit, what they did was bad, but come on, you actually told her!

The boys. And Tina. LOLOLOL Mike, I heart you.

Did they really think an intervention was going to work at this point in time? Oh Kurt. And I guess Blaine kissing him right there would have been nice, but it would also felt a bit like a pity kiss, I think Kurt needs a friend right now. I like Blaine, but I don't exactly see sparks between them.

Oh Beiste,I don't like the implications of never been kissed, but that was lovely. And I REALLY don’t think there was a need for a pity kiss.

It’s good to hear something real out of Puck’s mouth, even the earrings were fake! And Artie may be a good influence on Puck, but so not the other way round.

He has Blaine’s picture! That is weird, but whatever, that text was different from the last one, his name was signed! I love the idea of Blaine texting him motivational things at random points throughout the day.

I know they wanted to hammer in Kurt's loneliness and isolation and a lot of that was due to the different mash ups, but where the hell was Mercedes in all of this? I want to see them being awesome bffs.

I am excited for next week, the internet in general seems to hate Gwyneth Paltrow, but I don't care, I love her and GOOP.

In non Glee related news, I apparently care for Figure Skating outside of Johnny Weir (though I still love him best. So excited about Skating with the Stars!) as have been keeping up with the Grand Prix events. I have never followed a sport in my life before, am getting emotionally invested and everything, it's very new and exciting for me! My excuse is that it's helping me with my Russian, as I always watch the Russian stream. Very useful. :)

Anyway, will try to return to regular posting, now I've broken my hiatus and will try to catch up with you all. Hope all is well? Tell me what I've missed!

i guess i'll need a figureskating tag, tv: glee

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