I feel bad for posting again, but my previous post wasn't exactly planned and really couldn't wait! D:
I can't believe it's Friday tomorrow and I am off again to another crazy-busy weekend. This week has gone by so fast! Going to Oxford tomorrow morning, meeting a friend who is only in the country for two days, for a PhD interview (I didn't even know they had PhD interviews!) and then to London for a dinner. Staying there till Sunday, because apparently everyone I know is born in March. Saturday there will be clubbing, I honestly can not remember the last time I went clubbing, haha and to think that not that long ago if I didn't go twice a week, it felt weird.
This is such a pointless post. Here are some links.
ZQ interview I hadn't seen before "It was 10 years ago, and I was this kind of spiky-haired alternative hipster kid" <3 I love him
Why Rahm is still the greatest. (HOW IS HE REAL? I think I appreciate his existence more, now I've seen The West Wing!)
Academy Award Winning Movie Trailer (randomly Sophie from Anyone but Me is in this)
I really want to see the Runaways. (
TRAILER) But doubt I'll find anyone to see it with me. :(