As you may know, after graduating instead of doing the smart sensible thing and looking for a job I decided to cling to academia and spend lots of money which I don't have on a masters, so on Friday I found my way to the London School of Economics and registered for my course (MSc in International Relations theory) and then I went home. And tomorrow, I am going back, as there are a couple of inductions and the joy that is Freshers' week. Oh dear. See when I did this the first time around by virtue of being thrown together in college you can't but meet people, being a graduate however is different, LSE is different, and commuting from home is very different. So I don't know anyone. But I still want to do fun things in Freshers' week, only there is the problem of knowing no one and having nowhere to stay if I do go out.
I don't know what to do, I am sure that once lectures and seminars begin I will meet people, and I do know a lot of people in London, and
anna_bonita and one person I know from Oxford are at LSE, but in the short term the situation is pretty dire. London is big and scary and I was so looking forward to this, and now I am just not sure what to do.
And now I am off to my Russian course, which is wonderful, there are 7 of us, the youngest after me is 50-something, the oldest 70-something, it certainly isn't what I expected when I signed up, but everyone is very keen and I am enjoying it
Note: All of
you that are in London and not averse to the idea of meeting me, eh, please do! I know it has been a while, but I would so love to see any and all of you for a drink/coffee/walk whatever!