Jun 11, 2004 22:10
It's weird the way things are finally started to feel like their fitting together. I'm more relaxed, which lemme tell you is an AMAZING feeling. I'm starting to actually enjoy my summer...and that's really putting me in a very good mood.
Today was a more than great day. Actually, to be honest...these past few days have been amazing. Robbie & Chris have their flight booked for Wednesday and I'm SOOOOO excited! :-D As of tomorrow, 4 more days until I get to be with my babyboy. SigHhh, I can't wait to be in his arms again. :-) I'm head over heals for that kid, I can't get over it. I didn't think it was possible to feel the way I do about Robbie. I...I can't describe it. It's like every moment I'm with him...just doesn't seem like enough. I can't get enough of him :-) I'm never bored or tired of being with him. And everything he does is totally adorable to me. I can't help it...I'm in love...
I've been working on something special for my Angel for our Anniversary this coming Wednesday. Yes, oh my goodness, we're going on 5 months. How insane is that? JENNIFER ANN made five months with a guy? :-p My friends are like "well, he obviously is REALLY special for Jen to still be with him"...And he is... :-) he's amazing...I've gone through so much shit this past two weeks, and he has stood by me every step of the way. He never once left my side when I pushed him away, and he would never settle with "i'm okay" for an answer. He always made it seem like he'd move heaven and earth just to see me smile...and...I...I've never had that with anyone before :-D
I hung around the house today and just relaxed. I didn't sleep well last night...I was kinda up late...*Cough* LOL CHRIS SHUT UP!!! :-) But it wasn't just being up late, I had a lot of things on my mind. I studied ACT for a little bit, but I've been browsing the book all week. I'm just like *eh, whatever happens-happens* type of deal lately. No more worries. I'm too young to be killing myself with stress.
I have a headache...and I can't wait for Robbie to get home from work, I have something really important to tell him that I've been thinking about all night...And I'm excited to get to spend a little time with him... :-D
I'm Outtie Chickies!