Dear Yuletide Writer

Oct 18, 2014 23:17

Dear Yuletide Writer,

I enjoy reading fanfiction because it gives me something that nothing else can. Something that I've loved, made new and fresh through someone else's perspective and context. I could write myself versions of my requests and have fun doing it, but only you can tell me a story that can show me something new.

If you don't like my prompts, or you offered the fandom that we matched on with a great idea in mind, please write me your story. Getting to see what mattered to you, what you thought about it all, that's more valuable to me than anything else.

Stalker's guide to kurushi

I've got accounts as kurushi at LJ, DW, AO3 and FFNET.I'm also kurushi_ficage at LJ and DW. I'm Kurushikute on DA, but I don't go there much these days. There's other people also using "Kurushi" these days, so I hope that helps. I do visit the #Yuletide IRC channel, and I'll be known as kurushi, Hippo-kurushi, or similar variations on those two.

Defaulting or wavering?

If you're blocked or have signup regrets and you're considering defaulting, please talk to the mods. If it helps, I'm also happy to receive fic for any fandoms and prompts that I have requested in previous years, provided that they were approved for Yuletide 2014. These are: Dark City, Hellblazer, Matrix, Revolutionary Girl Utena (Links to my old letters, but feel free to ignore these because they are quite old.) I don't know if this can be done, but if you're really stuck, I hope that talking with the mods and having this note here can open up your options.


This year, there's a huge clash between my usual do-not-wants, and my canons. Catherine and Mawaru Penguindrum have canonical dub-con/non-con situations. Mawaru Penguindrum and Megamind have child abuse and neglect. Mawaru Penguindrum has a long, drawn-out terminal illness involving hospital visits.

So instead of listing do-not wants, I'll try to be a little more useful. I will say, please tag for anything heavy or dark, or alert me in your summary. I will be seeing family on the day the archive goes live, so I may wish to wait until I am not with my family to read some stories.

I grew up in a broken home / in the Child Broiler. I enjoyed Megamind and Mawaru Penguindrum for very good reasons, and if you write in the spirit of canon I'll probably enjoy your story. If you liked either of these for a similar reason, hi. You're my hero.

I prefer not to read sexual content involving people under the age of eighteen/age of consent.

I would prefer not to read sexualised porny dub-con/non-con/rape for Yuletide. I would be fine reading about canonical scenes, but only as they appear in the context of canon as horror and suspense (Catherine), and tragedy (Penguindrum).

Since there's a lot of restraints in Megamind, and there's a lot of potential for someone to like that kink with this canon, I'm cool with restraint play. I don't consider it to be dub-con/non-con/rape unless there's no consent or safeword, and it is used to force a character to do something against their will. So enthusiastic consent, or just two people very clearly getting off on restraining/being restrained, is totally cool.

I'm happy to read most things. Any rating is fine.
Sexual content is fine, so is no sexual content.
I'm happy to read about relationships with any number of participants, of any gender or sexuality.

I'm open to AUs, crossovers and fusions, though I'd prefer any crossovers to be with small or Yuletide eligible fandoms that I am likely to know. If in doubt, please ask a mod to get in touch with me to confirm for crossover fandoms.


I try to pick themes for my requests these days, to increase the chance my writer matches on more than one. This year, I've got very different requests, because they are all exactly what I want for Yuletide. I did notice that the themes that drew me to each of these canons involved main characters thinking about destiny, fate, and struggling to find their identity or the right thing to do, while feeling trapped by society and their choices in life. So maybe they're more similar than I'd thought.

While that common theme appeals to me, I valued a lot of the smaller details and unique aspects of each canon. In the end, I was just so excited about Catherine, Mawaru Penguindrum, and Megamind, that I'm excited to see what you write for any of them.

Catherine (Video game)
Requested characters : Vincent Brooks, Erica Anderson.

I would appreciate reading a story based on your Vincent, and his values. I've played through all three alignments to their good/true endings, and I'd enjoy reading about the storyline that you liked the most (or, if you've only played once, the storyline that you know!)

There's a lot of points during the game that you could expand upon, but the things I can imagine are all post-canon. Vincent/Catherine, Vincent/Katherine, Vincent/Catherine/Katherine, Vincent/Erica, or Vincent and Erica friendship. Toby/Erica would be very cute, especially if Toby treats her with respect. I'd love to read a story set after any of the endings, exploring how Vincent's values and his choices solidify into his life's direction. Did he ever go to Mars, either alone or with a lover? Does ending the trials change anything in society, or the human population? I loved the mood in the Stray Sheep Bar, so I'd also love a story where Vincent usurps the bartender, and just chats with all the regulars and gets heckled by Erica.

I have a lot of appreciation for how this game tackled a lot of tough themes. It's got a male perspective and deals with issues like unplanned pregnancy, cheating, sex, sexuality and consent, what it means to be a man (or a woman). I didn't expect it at all from the box art, and I think that if you write about what grabbed you most in this game, I won't see it coming, but I'll adore it.

Mawaru Penguindrum
Requested characters: Any (Nominated: Ringo, Momoka, Masako, Himari)

I couldn't nominate everyone, so I tried to include a few different characters that would appeal to different people and involve different aspects of the story. I'd be happy to recieve a story involving any of the characters, whether they were nominated or not.

Everything Ikuhara makes carries a lot of symbolism that can be read in multiple ways, so I'd love to read a story that builds on something that really mattered to you when you watched it.

Some more insight into Momoka would be fascinating, so would something set post-canon following Himari and Ringo. A story that builds on the other hat, Masako and Mario, and the other half of Momoka's personality would be really interesting. Kanba and Masako are interesting examples of children who have every reason to run from their upbringing, but who choose to follow their family's legacies. Shoma, Kanba and Himari must have had to fight hard to remain in their home. More childhood moments from the Takakura household in general would be incredible. An AU in which Himari is a member of Triple H would be an interesting take on things.

I resonated a lot with the imagery of penguins on an ice-shelf, as well as the Child Broiler. Destiny, fairytales and storytelling are also things that you could use for great effect. Perhaps you have a favourite fairy-tale, or you're familiar with the Marunoichi area, and you could incorporate more landmarks and locations.

Requested characters: Megamind

There's a lot of what-ifs that could make for fantastic stories. What if Roxanne caught up to Megamind at the Museum, and she never got to know him as Bernard? What if the payload carrying Metro Man's powers never hit Hal? What if Megamind had landed in Scott Manor, and Metro Man landed in the prison? What was Megamind's adolescence like? Why was the observatory abandoned in the first place? What is Megamind's relationship with the Warden like, after everything is said and done?

I think that there's a great potential to play around with the Karpman Drama Triangle (On Wikipedia, Karmpan's site), especially given the role that Megamind steps into at the end of the film. Or it could be fun to build on the identities of the people of Metro City. New Yorkers have a different culture to Melbournians or Londoners. All of Metro City has been a part of creating the environment in which Megamind and Metro Man battle, and I'd be interested to read a story that plays with what it means to be a citizen.

I also love AI and robot swarms. Brain bots and I die happy, I swear.

I've written Megamind/Roxanne and I'd enjoy it if there is any romance in the story, but I've also read other pairings for this fandom and enjoyed them.


Whatever you write, I hope you enjoy it. All the best, and I'll see you on the other side of the deadline!

Love from kurushi


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