So, up on my feet I coasted downhill to the shops to do various chores. I'm a little glad that the ride home is uphill, because it means I must curb at some point my booklust. As it was, the damage from the op shop today was quite severe.
Shiver by Nikki Gemmell
The Complete Polysyllabic Spree by Nick Hornby
Le Morte Darthur (Tales seven and eight) Malory in Middle English ^_^
Angela by James Moloney
The Other by Victor Kelleher
The Service of Clouds by Delia Falconer
And a random Dragonlance novel, because, well, why the hell not!
I did manage to pick up the groceries we needed, and a long woolen secondhand skirt for the looming days of cold, so I wasn't completely out of control. Still, the raging craving for good literature is strong in my chest.