fanfic master list

Dec 02, 2011 17:58

A complete list of my writing from March 2011 onwards.
  • Fics that have not yet been cross-posted to LJ are on FFN (this usually means that they are without edits and/or of poorer quality)
  • This list is organized in the order the fics were written (newest to oldest)
  • Asterisks denote author's pick/recommendations.
  • Comments and reviews are always appreciated!

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The Harder They Come [WIP] *
Green/Red, Leaf/Green, Red+Leaf, Silver+Domino, Giovanni/Ariana ; NC-17 ; Crime, Drama, AU.
Green and Red kidnapped and trained by Team Rocket as children. Torn apart by relentless ambition, reticent compassion and inescapable duty, Green, Red and Leaf bring Team Rocket - and the world - crashing headfirst into revolution.
//  Prologue // Act I ( Part OnePart Two) // Act II ( Part One, Part Two)

stray italian greyhound
Silver+Kotone+Hibiki ; PG ; Friendship, Humor, Romance, Family, Fluff.
This feeling calls for everything that Silver is not, so he gradually learns to become what he isn't. For solarpillar.

kettering *
Kris-Lyra, Silver ; PG-13 ; Tragedy, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Character Study, AU.
She wants to have Meaning more than her childish mind can articulate.

when we were young
Morty/Falkner, Whitney & Eusine ; PG-13 ; Drama, Romance, Friendship.
They aren't chasing anything anymore (except each other); they have all the time in the world. Written on request.

there and back again
Gold/Leaf ; PG-13 ; Romance, Humor, Coming-of-Age.
In which Gold only wants one thing and Leaf eventually finds it within herself to oblige him. Or, The Ballad of the Victorious Teenage Boy. Sequel to  burnt bridges and melted.

lucifer *
Giratina+Dawn, Cynthia, Cyrus, Arceus, Palkia, Dialga ; PG ; Friendship, Tragedy, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Character Study.
She cleans the taint from your hands and brings you redemption - a supernova to herald your rebirth.

Silver/Lyra ; PG-13 ; Tragedy, Romance, Drama, Character Study.
Silver accepts his inheritance and follows in his father's footsteps, leaving him and Lyra on opposite ends of a battlefield.

Ariana/Giovanni, Silver ; PG-13 ; Family, Drama, Crime, Character Study.
She never wanted to be a mother (but for him, she would do anything).

kaleidoscope heart
Kris, Kris's parents, Gold, Lance, Green, Red, Silver ; G ; Romance, Friendship.
She's loved a few people throughout the course of her journey, but she'll get it right. Someday. Five people Kris loved, and the one she will eventually. Written on request.

Green/Ethan ; PG-13 ; Romance, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Character Study.
Green deals with his abandonment issues; Ethan grapples with denial. Together, they learn to deal.

dynamic equilibrium
Red/Gold, Green/Leaf ; PG ; Romance, Friendship, Humor.
When Leaf and Green drag Red to Hoenn on a vacation to recover from the Mt. Silver incident, he never expected to run into the challenger who beat him there, too. Written on request.

Morty, Eusine ; PG-13 ; Family, Drama, Character Study.
You are very much a child of two worlds, and it is because of this that you are the architect of their dissolutions. Written on request.

armistice day
Red/Green/Leaf ; NC-17 ; Drama, Angst, Romance, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort.
He returns broken, and they dutifully give of themselves to repair him, erasing the borderlines they'd drawn.

Lance ; PG-13 ; Drama, Tragedy, Angst.
You have never denied that you were merely a tool of destiny, but perhaps you did not comprehend how much of one you truly are.

N, Touya ; PG ; Tragedy, Hurt/Comfort, Character Study.
He had laid siege to the world, purifying it with the white dragon's heavenly fire. Now all he feels is the cold, an absence of something he can't quite articulate. Written on request.

Leaf+Green (+Red) ; PG ; Friendship, Humor, Hurt/Comfort.
Leaf enjoys her lollipop and waits for Red to come down from Mt. Silver for the winter; Green joins her.

recessional *
Green+Red, Leaf ; PG-13 ; Friendship, Drama, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Character Study.
Green met Red when he was five-years-old, and while some things have changed, a lot of them stay the same.

Silver/Ethan ; PG-13 ; Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Character Study.
He measures time in the increments between possessing the people he loves and losing them.

Green/Red, Leaf ; PG-13 ; Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Friendship, Drama.
It's only ironic that, after years of chipping away at each other, they are the ones to piece each other together again. Sequel to  burnt bridges.

Touya+N ; PG ; Tragedy, Angst, Hurt/Comfort.
Black is plagued by half-remembered images he hadn't even known that he'd forgotten.

burnt bridges
Red+Green+Leaf ; PG ; Friendship, Angst, Drama.
Because there are some bridges you don't know you've crossed until you already have.

*fanfiction, !reference, !master list

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